Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 4, 1 April 2012 — ʻapelila [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
MERRIE MONARCH FESTTVAL Festival is Sun.-Sat., April 8-14; competition begins Thurs., April 12 The weeklong festival includes art exhibits, craft fairs, demonstrations, a parade emphasizing the cultures of Hawai'i and the world-renowned three-day hula competition. The competition gets started eaeh night at 6, starting Thursday with the Miss Aloha Hula eompehhon, Friday with group hula kahiko and culminating Saturday with the group hula 'auana and awards ceremony. OHA is a proud sponsor of this event through the annual Miss Aloha Hula Hawaiian Language Award and the live KF VE broadcast. (808) 935-9168 or merriemonarch.com. YMCA HEALTHY KIDS DAY Sat, April 21, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. OHA is proud to serve as the title sponsor for this free, fun-filled day of activities, education, demon-
strations and experiences teaching healthy behaviors to loeal keiki and their families. Kama'āina and military with ID may attend the museum's "Sesame Street Presents: The Body" exhibit free of charge during Healthy Kids Day. Bishop Museum, Great Lawn. (808) 5415467 or ymcahonolulu.org. EAST MAUI TARO FESTIVAL Sat, April 21, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Enjoy all-day music, hula, arts and crafts, cultural practitioners, poi pounding for attendees, a fanners' market and lots of 'ono Hawaiian food. This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Pekelo Cosma, slack-key guitar master and eomposer. There will be fresh poi and other taro products, like kūlolo, for sale. The Lind fanūly and Kamaui Aiona of Kahanu Garden and Mahele Farm will talk story about taro. OHA is a proud sponsor of this event that promotes Hawaiian cultural products and values. Hāna
Ballpark. Free adnūssion. (808) 264-1553 or tarofestival.org. WAIPUNA'S MOTHER'S DAY CONCERT, HE LEI MAKAMAE Sun., May 13, doors open at 5 p.m. Give mom the royal treatment with a fabulous evening of food and music by 2012 Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award nonūnees Kuana Torres Kahele and Waipuna. The scrumptious buffet has a prime-rib carving station, sashinū, poke, dim-sum station, dessert bar and more. Emeee extraordinaire "Boom-Shaka-Laka" Maka Herrod retums with more of his crazy antics that's sure to keep you laughing all night long. $70. Inquire about special priority seating with a free makana. Hawai'i Prince Hotel. Reservations, (808) 952-4789. LEI DAY CELEBRATION Tues., May 1, 9 a.m.-5;30 p.m. This daylong event features the
annual lei queen and court, loeal entertainment, hālau hula, crafts, a lei-contest exhibit, food vendors, Hawaiian artisans, storytelling, Hawaiian games, and lessons in hula, song and lei making. Take in the sweet sights and sounds of the exquisite lei-contest entries from 1 to 5:30 p.ni. in the open area between the bandstand and the Waikīkl Shell. Kapi'olani Park and Bandstand, Waikīkl. Free admission. (808) 7683041 or honoluluparks.com. HAWAI'I BOOK & MUSIC FESTIVAL Sat. & Sun., May 5-6, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Kau'i Hart Hemmings, the Hawaiian author whose novel The Descendants was turned into an Oscar-winning movie starring George Clooney, will be among the host of celebrated authors participating in this weekend festival sponsored in part by OHA. Not just for book lovers, the festival also offers music, stage perfonnances,
panel discussions, storytelling, poetry slams and a multiethnic food court. True bibliophiles won't want to nūss the Bank of Hawai'i Book Swap and bookseller booths. Civic Grounds at Honolulu Hale. Free admission and parking. hawaiibookand musicfestival.org. WILCOX'S SHOT 8 p.m. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. and 2 p.m. Sun. through April 29. No show on Easter Sean T.C. 0'Malley's latest play tells the story of Hawaiian revolutionary Robert Wilcox and his wife Princess Theresa Owana Ka'ohelelani La'anui. Central to the action is Wilcox's friendship with Theodore Roosevelt, whieh is described as a "bromanee gone wrong." The April 6 performance will feature a talkstory session with 0'Malley at 10 p.m. $5-$20. Kumu Kahua Theatre. (808) 536-4441, kumu kahua.org. ■
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