Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2012 — Koʻolaupoko scovenger hunt seeks teams [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Koʻolaupoko scovenger hunt seeks teams

Four-person teams will compete for a $1,000 grand prize in a scavenger hunt of famous places from Kualoa to Maunalua in Windward O'ahu. Deadline to register is March 9. The competition, X\\tmtALegendary Places ofKo 'olaupoko, takes plaee March 17 and starts at Windward Mall, where teams will be loaned a GPS device and receive clues. A grand prize will be awarded to eaeh of two categories, high school and community groups, whose teams ean have up to four people. High school teams must also have an adult driver. Entry fee for eommunity groups is $250, and $500 for high school teams. Sponsorships may be available. To qualify for the grand prize drawing, teams must visit at least four wahi pana in a four-hour period. All drivers will receive a gas card and all participants will receive luneh upon return to the mall. Forms are available at Windward Mall, Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club's office at 46-005 Kawa St., Suite 104, near Windward Mall, or on the club's Facebook page. For information, email event chair Kimo Apiki at koolaupokoscavengerhunt@gmail.com. ■