Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 3, 1 March 2012 — OHAIN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
CRIMINAL JUSTICE TASK FORCE ADDRESSING DISPARITIES A newly established Criminal Justice Task Force is continuing the momentum of a 201 0 OHA study that found that Native Hawaiians were subject to disparate treatment at all levels in the state's criminal justice system. Created by state law in 201 1 - through an OHA-proposed hill - the nine-member task force will formulate policies and procedures to eliminate the disproportionate representation of Hawaiians in the state's ehminal justice system and submit its recommendations to the 2013 Legislature. Members pictured at a Feb. 7 meeting at 0HA's Honolulu office are, from left: Paul Perrone, Research and Statistics Chief, state Department of the Attorney General; Cheryl Marlow, Adult Client Services Branch Administrator, state Judiciary; Jack Tonaki, state Publie Defender; Chair Miehael Broderick, President and CE0 of YMCA of Honolulu; 1 st Circuit Judge Richard Perkins; Joe Booker, Publie Safety Department Deputy Director; RaeDeen Karasuda, Kamehameha Schools Senior Research Associate; Dr. Kamana'opono Crabbe, 0HA Research Director; and facilitator Jeff Kent, 0HA Puhlie Policy Advocate. Not pictured is Tricia Nakamatsu, City & County of Honolulu Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. - Photo: LisaAsato
NEVADA WELCOMES HAWAIIAN COLLECTION Nevada libraries in Henderson are featuring a Hawaiian Heritage Collection that's being described as the largest on the West Coast. The eolleehon, made possible through a grantfrom the Library of Congress, houses more than 1,300 items, including CDs, DVDs and lithographs. The January opening of Henderson District Library's Hawaiian Heritage Collection attracted a large audience from near and far, including 0HA Chairperson Colette Machado, who participated in a panel discussion on Native Hawaiian Self-Determi-nation and Hawaiians Abroad. While there, she also congratulated Green Valley Library Manager Stephen Platt, who was largely responsible for securing the grant. The book 'Onipa'a, whieh commemorates the 1 00th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, was a gift among many from Hawai'i organizations. A Las Vegas radio interview on the eolleehon ean be heard online at bit.ly/yCAGhH. - Courtesy photo: Lynette Cruz
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