Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2012 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEC0ME A READING TUT0R. FREE TRAINING, you ean help others anel you get paiel for it. Start with children and family. Contact: Dennis 808-566-0654, info: catchupwithreading.com. BIG ISLAND — WAIMEA 10-acre pastoral w/house, shed - dry piggery. Kawaihae Mauka 2/1. Maku'u AG - 6+ ae. N. Kaluahine St. Hilo res lot in Keaukaha. DHHL Leases, Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. B0BBIE KENNEDY (RA) with Graham Realty ine. years of experience with DHHL properties and general real estate, on all islands. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol. eom. CURRENT LISTINGS: Big lsland - Kamuela 305 acres, rolling hills, water, fenced $399,000 seller will look at a reasonable offer; Kamuela 4/2 $275,000; Pana'ewa 10 acres AG $175,000; Pana'ewa 3 acres AG $100,000; Keaukaha 21,000 sq. ft. lot $65,000. Maui, undivided $80,000 Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4494. CURRENT LISTINGS: O'ahu-Waimānalo 3/1 $330,000; Waimānalo teardown home, niee lot $100,000; Kapolei Kaupe'a 3/2 $360,000; Kaupe'a 4/3 $410,000; Wai'anae 3/1 2.23 acres $399,000; Wai'anae 3/1 $270,000. Moloka'i-Hoolehua 3/2 l-acre lot $185,000; Kalama'ula 1 acre (lot only) $16,000 & $20,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 2954474. FAMILY 0F EDMUND HENRY & ANNIE L0VE HART 3-ring binder & family flow chart was borrowed several years ago by a young man. If anyone has information about thesetreasured items and/or could help with their return please eall Charlotte-Ann at 808-671-0970. F0R SALE: KAMUELA, BIG ISLAND 4 bedroom Country Home on developed

10-acre farm. Commercial kitchen, warehouse, tractor shed, office/ storage building. DHHL requirements 1-808-756-2688. INTERESTED IN KANEHILI, East Kapolei II, Waimānalo, Papakōlea, Kaupe'a and other areas. Thinking of selling, eall Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. Prudential Locations LLC - The Real Estate Lady. View current listings at CharmaineQuil itPoki.com. Call to learn more about homeownership. KĀNAKA MA0LI FLAGS (large $30.00, small $6.00), T-shirts for every island from $10, Kānaka Maoli Pledge posters (2 sizes), stickers. www.KanakaMaoli Power.org or 808-332-5220. L0ST: Man's heirloom wedding ring in

Wai'anae. Bears the family name of Kekuhaupio & wedding date of 9/23/93. The heirloom ring is attached to a gold band. Its sentimental value is priceless. Please eall Paulette @ OHA 594-1966. MAUI - KEOKEA Hawaiian Homestead AG lot - 2 acres. Flat land, great view. $60,000. Please eall Nohea - 2922650. kauianohea@yahoo.com. MAUI — WAI0HULI — Kula, Beautiful 3/2 home, lots of upgrades, level lot; 4/2.5 on Laui'e Dr. 0'ahu — Kapolei, undivided interest lease for sale. DHHL leases. Graham Reality ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. 0'AHU CESSP00L & SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE a loeal eo., please eall 7531411 orcall BigJohn at 783-4778. With 24/7 emergency callout. See us at www.

HONOLULU 7II Kapi'olani Blvd.. StE. 500 Honolulu, Hl 008I3 Phono: 808.594.1888 Fax: 808.534.I8G5 EAST HAWAI'I (HILO) IE2-A BakEr Aveoue Hilo, Hl 3G720 Phooo: 808.320.G4I8 Fax: 808.320.G42I WEST HAWAI'I (K0NA) 75-570G Hanama Pl„ Ste. I07 Kailua-Kona, Hl 3G740 Phone: 808.327.3525 Fax: 808.327.3528 MOLOKA'I Kūlana 'Oiwi, P.0. Box I7I7 Kaunakakai, Hl 3G748 Phone: 808.5G0.3GII Fax: 808.5G0.33G8 LĀNA'I P.0. Box G3I4I3, Lāna'i City, Hl 3G7G3 Phone: 808.5G5.7330 Fax: 808.5G5.733I KAUA'I / NI'IHAU 2370 KeIe StrEEt, Ste. II3 Lihu'e, Hl 3G7GG-II53 Phone: 808. 241. 3330 Fax: 808. 241. 3508 MAUI 3G0 Papa Plaee. StE. I05 Kahului, Hl 3G732 Phone: 808.873.33G4 Fax: 808.873.33GI WASHINGĪ0N, D.C. 300 2 n d StreEt, NE, Suite I07 Washington, DC 2ŪŪŪ2 Phone: 202.454.0320 Fax: 202.408. 33G5

I I niiiTiT;fH i f 1' ilA. i^^H

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For information, please contact Corinne 1 Fukushimaatcorinnef@hookipaipai.org W W m W 0 r ea 1 1 808-596-8990 ext. 1 009 hawaii procurement technical assistance center Validated Parking at Park Plaza parking structure on Curtis Street.