Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 2, 1 February 2012 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
AKANA/AI/AI CHANG/MCGUIRE HAUSTEN/AKI - Aug 18, 2012, in Kāne'ohe, 0'ahu, the first Family Reunion of: Kahale Keneka'ole Kaluahine (w) B: 9/17/1850 Waiehu, Wailuku, Maui D: 4/29/1924 Honolulu, O'ahu. lst husband Ai Chang Cheong Yit (Tang Hoon). They had three children: Their lst child Akana Ai Chang B: 7/4/1871 Wailuku, Maui. D: 2/21/1953 Honolulu, O'ahu, m Shee Hu B: 9/14/1874 Kwangtung, China. D: 12/17/1959. They had 11 children. Their 2nd child Emma Kaleionamoku Ah Choy Ai Chang B: 3/27/1876 Wailuku, Maui. D: 10/13/1969 Honolulu, O'ahu. lst married in 1900: John James "Jock" McGuire, and their seven children. Emma's 2nd marriage on 5/16/1916: Henry Thomas Hausten, and they one child. Third child of Kahale and Ai Chang, was Thomas Allan Ah Kan Ai Chang B: 5/14/1880 Wailuku, Maui D: 6/25/1947 m S arah Ah Kin, one son Thomas Allan Ah Kan Ai Chang. Kahale Keneka'ole Kaluahine 2nd husband was Henry Ka'iwi Aki B: 1850 Honolulu, O'ahu D: 12/19/1900: 1 son Henry Ka'iwi Aki Jr. B: 4/28/1891 Honolulu, O'ahu D: 2/15/1967 Honolulu, O'ahu m 7/15/1911 Lucy Liliake'ala KahaumeaB: 11/28/1893 Laupāhoehoe, Hawai'i, D: 7/1/1987 Honolulu, O'ahu. Eleven children. Please contact Gay McGuire 808-295-9683, nalobeach@gmail.com, Patsy McGuire 808-732-3089 and Betty Shodahl 808-262-8961. AKIU/AHEONG/KAHIAMOE Descendants of Baker Kahiamoe Akiu, born May 10, 1886, and Sarah Kamali Aheong Akiu, bom Feb. 27, 1896, are planning a family reunion July 20-22, 2012, on Maui. We are trying to loeaīe any grandchildren, great-grand-children and great-great-grandchildren who are interested in attending the reunion. Please eontact Marian "Blossom" Akiu Dias at (808) 2420061. KAAPUNI/KELIILIKI The descendants of John Kaapuni and Ululani Keliiliki announee their Kaapuni Reunion for 2012. It will be held on the Kaapuni homestead at Waiaka St., Waimea, Hawai'i, July 5-7. Children of John and Ululani include: Keoni Hooipo, Kahaunani, Minnie Mana (Nahale'a), Sam Ohule, Ben Kaonohikalani, Rose Kealohapauole, Kuulei, Joseph Kauhiokalani, Eben Maikai, Kamuela, Kanekawaiola and Mary Kalani (Phillips). Those interested in attending who have not heard from the family, contact Sandy Hubbel Kahawaii, (808) 885-3664, email: s_kahawaii@yahoo.com or Barbara Phillips Robertson, (808) 885-4929, email: kaikena2@yahoo.com. Mahalo. KAMOKU - The Na Kamoku 'Ohana Reunion will be held on the island of Kaua'i July 18-21, 2012. Wednesday and Thursday will be at Kamalani Beach Park, and on Friday there will be a lū'au. For information, contact Halan at (808) 652-8470 or Thoma at (808) 346-8077. Mahalo nui loa. See you at the reunion. KUKAHIKO - To the descendants of John, Kamaka and Halulukahi Kukahiko, the reunion will be from July 19-22, 2012, at the Veterans Foreign War Hall in Kīhei, Maui. A letter was sent to those on the mailing list. A registration paekeī will be sent out shortly. A web site is being worked on. Please eonīinue to eheek Facebook event Kukahiko Reunion 2012 or email kukahiko2012@yahoo.com for updates. MAHI'AI/NAPUMAI'A - 'Ohana reunion
of Mahi'ai and Napumai'a, July 4-8, 2012, at Miloli'i Beach Park Pavilion, Kona. Children: Mama (w), Hookano (w), Pilahi (w), Malia (w), Kelekala (k), and Kaikaina (k). Mama (w) married to Kuna'aina (k) or Kahunai'aina, children: Lapauilo (k), Kealohapauole (k), Malia (w), and Keliihelela (w). Kaikaina (k) married to Paahao, children: Keliilawaia (k), Keona (k), Kalahikiola (w), Pilahi (w), and Napumaia(w). Kalahikiola (w) married to Kuanoni (k). Come join and meet your 'ohana. Any questions, email me at AnnieTaisee@yahoo.com or eall Annie Tai See, (808) 936-7707; Rose 01sen, (808) 966-8510; or Shirley Casuga, (808) 937-7073. MEYER - We are having a reunion for the descendants of George Kahelelani Meyer, who was married to Nancy Kaleiwahea (lst line) and had four children: George Kahelelani Meyer Jr., Mary Pilialoha Meyer, Annie Josephine Cecelia Meyer and Arthur Lee Meyer. 2nd line with Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kaleiwahea and had eight children: Elizabeth "Betty" Meyer, Abigail Kekahili Meyer, Elizabeth "Queenie" Kauwalu, Myra Lahapa Kaleiheana, William Meyer, Rebecca Leilani Meyer, Lilinoe Pualaniuma Ahoy and Samuel Meyer. The reunion will be held Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Waimānalo Village Recreation Center. For information, eall Sukie Obed at (808) 2595994 after 6 p.m. or Aliee Theodore at (808) 358-5466 or email alicet@hawaii.rr.com. Aliee is updating our mailing list for upcoming mail outs. Please eall/email Aliee with your mailing/ contact information. Save the date! We encourage all of you to join us and meet family! Families are forever! NAMAUU - The Namauu 'Ohana Family Reunion will be held March 22-25, 2012, at Puhi Bay at Keaukaha, Big Island. Contact Marcie Mejia at phone (808) 747-1096 or e-mail hoku puleleua@gmail.com. JARRETT/KAOO - To all descendants of William Jarrett (1815-1880) and Hannah Kaoo (1825-1867), there will be a family reunion on the island of O'ahu scheduled for July 26 and 27, 2013. Please submit your contact information (addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) to: Jarrett_fam_reunion@yahoo.com or to 91-832 Pa'aloha St., 'Ewa Beach, HI 96706. Mahalo, Sandy and Lani. KUPAHU - Aloha Kupahu 'Ohana, we the descendants of Henry Iwiena Kupahu Sr. will be hosting the 2013 reunion on Maui nō ka 'oi during Memorial Day weekend (May 24-27). For information, contact me (Kincaid Sr.) by e-mail kincaidksr@yahoo.com or by phone: (808) 2813885. Just a reminder, this is a Camping Reunion to reflect on our kupunas who left all of us the value of being a Kupahu. There are other aeeommodations for those who choose not to eamp. Mahalo for your time and I hope to hear from all of you soon. Come to Maui. Please eonīinue to read for updates. TITCOMB - Family reunion for descendants of Charles Titcomb and Kanikele has been set for Thursday to Saturday, July 4-6 of 2013 on Kaua'i. Children are: Susan (Christian Bertelmann); Julius (Malia Kalaupuhipuhi, Sophie Houghtailing); Emma (August Dreier); MaryAnn (James Hall Fiddes or Feddes); Angeline (John Spencer); Louis (Hannah Sheldon); George Rufus (Caroline Mae Morteno); Hatttie (Frederick Weber); and
Kanikele. Contact: K. Nani Kawa'a at 808-285-4548 or email at reunion.titcomb@gmail.com for more information. EWALIKO/GRUBE - I am trying to loeaīe family members on my mother's side. Mom's name was Harriet Kaehukaiopuaena (Ewaliko) Grube, married Edward Miehael Grube Jr. and had five sisters (Eīhel, Aileen aka Bess, Lilinoe aka Noe, Kuualoha aka Peaehie and Kaui) and five brothers (William Jr., Otto aka Eddie, Valentine, Herbert, and David aka Boots aka Sonny Boy). Mom's father was William Lonomakua Ewaliko Sr., husband of Elizabeth Kekumano and was bom in Hilo, Hawai'i. I believe that his father and mother were John Ewaliko and Kaanaana Ewaliko and siblings David, George, Kalei (w), Emily and JamesEwaliko. They lived onAmaulu Road in Hilo. I believe that George married Lizzie, and had four daughters (Ruth, Virginia, Mary and Elizabeth), a son and grandson named John and moved to Anahola, Kaua'i. Kalei married Rufus Lyman, had three children (Rebecca, Francis and Clarence) as of 1930 and stayed in Hilo. David married Julia and had two daughters (Margaret and Marjory) and lived in Hilo. We met aMarjory at our mom's funeral in 2001. Any information is appreciated. Please contact Ede Fukumoto at eafukumoto@hotmail.com. KAHAWAII/HAILI - The descendants of Rebecca Ewalani Kahawaii (1869-1950) and George Mikaele Haili (1872-1927) will be gathering for the first time to celebrate a family reunion Aug. 3-4, 2012, in Maui, Hawai'i. The Haili 'ohana originates from Kawaihae (Pamaiuluhaililani he kane/Maika'i ka wahine) and the Kahawaii 'ohana originates from Moanalua (Kahawaii he kane/Kalua Ikalii he wahine). We would like to gather the families of Harry George Haili (Rachel Lahela Bright), Peter David Haili (Elizabeth Keleionaia Manuia), Agnes Kanui Haili (William Hoopai Sr.), Elizabeth Kalua Haili, Simon Haili, John Kahawaii Haili (Katherine Florence Zoller Altery), and Clarisa "Clara" Mileka Haili (Carlyle Nelson). If you are descendants of the above family members, we invite you to join us for a weekend with good food and family fun. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Monthly meetings are being held to plan the festivities, the 'ohana is asking for all family members to send their contact information to Kehau Newhouse at (808) 344-0921 or email haili2k ahawaii@gmail.com. Mailings will be sent to known addresses in early 2012. KA 'OHANA O KALAUPAPA Has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by e-mail (info@kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, HI 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). There is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to become part of Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa. KAHALEANU - Doing family genealogy research. Please kōkua if you have any informaīion on Kahula Kahaleanu, the mother of my grandmother, Elizabeth Keaukai Akana. Mueh Mahalo! Bob Horcajo, bob@livemaui.com.
KIU/AHEONG/KAHIAMOE Descendants of Baker Kahiamoe Akiu, born May 10, 1886, and Sarah Kamali Aheong Akiu, born Feb. 27, 1896, are planning a family reunion July 20-22, 2012, on Maui. We are trying to locate any grandchildren, great-grand-children and great-great-grandchildren who are interested in attending the reunion. Please eontact Marian "Blossom" Akiu Dias at (808) 2420061. LINCOLN Aloha to anyone who is interested or who ean help me with my genealogy. My name is Clayton Chee and I am trying to eompile a genealogy of the Lineoln family from Kohala. I have been doing genealogy for about 30 years now off and on on both sides of my parents' lines. The line I am doing now is one of my great-great-grandmothers and her name was Caroline Lineoln Naiwi. She was the oldest daughter of George Washington and Rebecca (Bell) Lineoln. I have a lot of information down and the hard part is getting the last two generations going back and the last two generations going forward. I am trying to update the names and dates of the family. I am also doing the genealogy of George Washington Lincoln's brothers John Adams and William Henry Lineoln, who were the sons of Lorenzo Bernard Lineoln and Ka'ai'a Kuawalu. If anyone ean help me by updating the 'ohana, it would be really appreciated. You ean either email me at aspencier ral997@yahoo.com, eall me at 852-7103, find me on Facebook or write me at 41-280 Huli St., Waimānalo, HI 96795. Mahalo nui! LOST RECORDS - The records of the Carroll/Kealoha Family of Kaua'i was lent to a family member purposely for photocopying in 2006. Till this date, I have not yet received these records back. They were entrusted to me by my Aunty Milly Alana. Aunty Milly Alana passed on, however, out of respect to her and to the Carroll/Kealoha Family of Kaua'i, I'd appreciate it if these records be returned to the rightful guardian, who happens to be me (Jan K.N. DeRego.) Please contact or mail to: Jan K.N. DeRego, P.O. Box 4901 Kāne'ohe, HI 967448901. Mahalo nui loa. NAWAI - William Nawaii (Jr.) was married to Mary (Mealeana) Kanana, and they had several children together. William Nawai also had a child with Mary Haake her name was Annie Nawai. I don't know for sure if William Nawai and Mary Haake were ever really married. William Nawai also had a child with Isabella Lawrence, named Josephine, who was put up for adoption right after birth. My name is Russell Pineapple Rintoul. My mother is Josephine Nawai Lawrence Rintoul from the island of Maui. If you have any information, please eontact me at Russell Pineapple on Facebook, eall (406) 690-6481 or email ptpthut@tctwest.net. PERRY/HULEIA - I am in the process of tracing the families of my grandparents Becky Perry and Joseph Huleia, who were both victims of leprosy (now referred to as Hansen's disease) and sent to Kalawao/Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, in the late 1800s. The Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa organization, consisting of patients/residents, their families and friends, is helping to provide a web site for searching for families. This organization, of whieh I am a member, is preparing to build a monument in remembrance of the 8,000-