Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 2, 1 February 2012 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
4^- Pacific Dental ^ lmp'rove Your Quality of Life with Dental lmplan^N»l/ ($89 Value) ($400 Value) State-of-the-Art CT scanning is an essential diagnostic tool when planning for dental implants. It provides a three dimensional image and cross-sectional images of the jaw to show bone volume and density, supporting a higher standard of dental implant care. f C ) ) [ MISSINGSINGLETOOfH~| | SINGLE IMPLANT j) Dental implants will rid you of your partial denture or flipper. Unlike bridges, they prevent bone loss and preserve adjacent teeth. '' [MISSING MULTIPLE TEĒTH| [ MULTIPLE IMPLANTSj| Dental implants replace your missing teeth without compromising your natural teeth; they are fixed and non-removable. 1 (( vaH )) | MISSING ALL TEETH [ [ ALL-ON-4 ^J| lf you have failing teeth or are missing all of your teeth, Pacific Dental & lmplant Solutions offers the revolutionary AII-on-4 procedure, whieh avoids lengthy bone grafting procedures and uses only four implants on eaeh arch to support immediate placement of teeth on the implants in Just One Day.
Pl CalTfor your Dr. Jmi Asam, a graduate of Kamehameha and Harvard Dental School, received her specialty degree in Advanced Prosthodontics. As a Prosthodontist, she uses customized treatment planning to handle even the most complex of dental conditions, focusing on improving oral function, appearance, comfort and health. Learn more about Dr. Asam at www.PDISHawaii.com ?;;,J:a*rAve.sui,eio2 (808) 737"6 150 Honolulu, Hl 96816 ^ nīMnn Located at Kahala Mall WWW.PDISHaWaiLCOm