Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 2, 1 February 2012 — Entrepreneurship class may help Start Your Dream [ARTICLE]
Entrepreneurship class may help Start Your Dream
Start Your Dream, an entrepreneurship class at Kapi'olani Community College that helps would-be business owners get started, will be offered this fall. The 51-hour class, held for three hours every Tuesday and Thursday evening for eight weeks at the KCC campus is designed to help people who have just started or want to start a business. Some of the topics covered include how to find the right customer, craft the right message, structure a business plan, learn sound hnaneial practices and other business techniques to help you avoid expensive mistakes. A new addition to the class is how to use social networking for your business. In addition to one-on-one counseling, several successful entrepreneurial graduates of the class talk about their own experience and what helped them succeed. The class begins Tuesday, March 6 and runs through Tuesday, May 8. Although the class is open to everyone, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will reimburse the cost of the class to qualified attendees. There is a free preview of the class on campus Thursday, March 1 at 5:30 p.m. Session will be held in Manono 104. Please eall 734-9122 for registration or 734-9153 for information.