Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2012 — Page 27 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 1 75 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $1 2.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 15th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified". OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.

BEC0ME A READING TUT0R. FREE TRAINING, you ean help others anel you get paiel for it. Start with children and family. Contact: Dennis 808-566-0654, info: catchupwithreading.com. BIG ISLAND - WAIMEA 10 acre pastoral w/house, shed - dry piggery. Lālāmilo 4/2.5 home, solar, metal roof, yd. Kawaihae Mauka 2/1. Maku'u AG 6+ ae. N. Kaluahine St. Hilo res lot in Keaukaha. DHHL Leases, Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. B0BBIE KENNEDY (RA) with Graham Realty ine. years of experience with DHHL properties and general real estate on all islands. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol. eom. CELL PH0NE SERVICE No contract. No credit eheek. Verizon/ Page plus $39.95 monthly l-time processing fee $40. Unlimited talk, text, 20 mb web/ data.Call 808-861-1160. CHARMAINE I. QUILIT P0KI (REALT0R) Prudential Locations LLC 808-295-4474. Specialize in Hawaiian Home Lands Properties. (Fee Simple also) 26 years. Working with people interested in Kānehili, East Kapolei orWaimānalo leases. Thinking of selling eall Charmaine. FAMILY 0F EŪMUNŪ HENRY & ANNIE L0VE HART3-ring binder&familyflow chart was borrowed several years ago by a young man. If anyone has information about these treasured items and/or could help with their return please eall Charlotte-Ann at 808-671-0970. F0R SALE: KAMUELA, BIG ISLAND 4 bedroom Country Home on developed 10-acre farm. Commercial kitchen, warehouse, tractor shed, office/ storage building. DHHL requirements 1-808-756-2688. HANAPĒPĒ KAUA'I F0R SALE by owner. 2/1 over 6,000 sflevel land w/mango, avocado, lemon & pua kenikeni trees; fenced yard; 2 car port; must meet all DHHL reg and be on list $145,000 or

best offer. 808-742-2882. HAU0LI MAKAHIKI H0U - Start your new home or a pieee of the 'āina to farm or build your own dream home. Interest rates are still very low and affordable. Call Bobbie Kennedy (RA) with Graham Reality for information and assistance in qualifying for a DHHL lease and financing. 808-221-6570 email: habuchal@aol.com. KAMUELA 305 acres, rolling hills, water, fenced $399,000. Seller will look at a reasonable offer (Leasehold) Charmaine I.Quilit Poki(R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4494. KANAKA MA0LI FLAGS (large $30.00, small $6.00), T-shirts for every island from StoXXXL, $17 (S,M,L) and $21 (XL,XXL,XXXL), stickers. www.Kanaka MaoliPower.org or 808-332-5220. L0ST: Man's heirloom wedding ring in Wai'anae. Bears the family name of Kekuhaupio & wedding date of 9/23/93. The heirloom ring is attached to a gold band. Its sentimental value is priceless. Please eall Paulette @ OHA 594-1966. MAUI H0ME F0R SALE: 1 acre Kula Waiohuli DHHL. 4 br/2 ba, lg master suite w/walk-in closet, granite eounters, hardwood bamboo flooring, lg deck & garage. Panoramic views. Asking $325k, eall 808-268-9456 after 5 p.m. MAUI - WAI0HULI - Kula, Beautiful 3/2 home, lots of upgrades, level

lot; 4/2.5 on Laui'e Dr. DHHL leases. Graham Reality ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. 0'AHU CESSP00L & SEPTIC PUMPI NG SERVICE a loeal eo. pls eall 753-1411 orcallBigJohnat 783-4778. With 24/7 emergencycallout. See us at www.Oahu CessPoolAndSepticPumping.com. "0NĪHIN ICE" Meth Action & Awareness T-shirt. $20 pre-pay. Proceeds go to 6 Loeal Treatment/Prevention Charities. Help us protect & perpetuate our Hawai'i Nei... www.eolak.org. PADDLER PENDANTS in gold and silver, handmade in Kona Hawai'i. Call for current prices 808-329-1576. View online at www.gordanthejeweler.com. WANĪEŪ - Undivided lnterest Leases in Kapolei and Waimānalo. Graham Reality ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA)

808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol. eom. WAI'ANAE VALLEY 2.23 acres 3 bdrm/ 1 bath home. Level lot ideal forfarming. Mountain/ oeean views. $399,000 (Leasehold) Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. WAIMĀNAL0 majorfixer upper $100,000; &3bd/l ba 8,000 sflot $330,000. Kamuela 4 bd/2.5 10,000 sflot $275,000. Pana'ewa 10 acre $150,000. Pana'ewa 3 acre $100,000. Kalama'ula 1 acre $16,000. Ho'olehua 1 acre $185,000. Kapolei/Kaupe'a 4bd/2.5 $410,000. (Leasehold) Charmaine Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. Y0UR 0WN CELL PH0NEfranchise business. Hard working, followthesystem, beteachable. Workasyou learn. Email name, address & phone numbertotalk storycell@yahoo.com. ■

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Nānā ka maka; hana ka lima. "Observe with the eyes; work with the hands" (Pukui, 2267) The purpose of this Hana Lima Scholarship is to give hnaneial assistance to students participating in a vocational or technical education program for occupations that ean provide a "living wage." Eligible programs include, but are not limited to, automotive teclinologv, medical assisting, massage therapy, cosmetology and CDL training. Preference is given to non-traditional students. As an applicant, you must meet the following criteria: • Be of Nati\'e Hawaiian ancestiy • BearesidentofthestateofHawai'i • Be enrolled at least halftime in a vocational degree or certification program ( Associates Degree) for the Spring 20 12 term in one of the educational institutions in Hawai'i listed on our website. To«e^ If you have any questions, please contact: ALU LIKE, ine. Hana Lima Scholarship (808) 535-1 313 or visit our website at A http://www.alulike.org ALU like īne Funding nuule possible by the gracious contributions of Kamehameha Schools.
