Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 1, 1 January 2012 — Pelatron Inc. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Pelatron Inc.

They are my classmates, members of the Mighty Class of 1966, Kamehameha School for Boys, Kapālama

I Heights, the Principals and Owners of Pelatron ine., certified by the Small Business Administration in 2005 as a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO), Small Disadvantaged Business 8(a) Corporation (a brainchild of U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye). I am proud of these gentlemen: Thomas Aimoku McClellan, Chairman and CEO;

Harvard C.S. Kim, Vice President and COO; and Kimo H. Kahoano Jr., Secretary and Principal. Proud because through their business they are unwittingly helping promote OHA's Updated Strategic Plan, making real OHA's Strategic Roles and Strategic Priorities (in particular OHA's Eeonomie Self-Suf-ficiency Priority). Pelatron's corporate office and manufacturing facility is in Honolulu, but technology allows Pelatron to readily extend its business reach to other parts of the nation and the world via regional offices in Washington, D.C., Huntsville, Alabama, and Klhei, Maui. Pelatron does Department of Defense Work as a Prime Contractor with Capabilities in Design, Engineering and Manufacturing; Command and Control Technologies; Networks and Communication Integration and Information Technology Solutions. Aimoku, Harvey and Kimo have worked hard to take the small company Aimoku and Harvey purchased in 2004 from Subcontractor to Prime Contractor status in 2011, from a "red" (2004) to "black" Financial Statement (2011) and from gross sales of $35,000 (2004) to $17 million (2011). In October of this year Pelatron earned the distinction of being Hawai'i's "No. 1 fastest growing eompany," a distinction they say is a "blessing" accompanied by challenges, whieh as "good and industrious men" they are ready for. The trade secrets to their success in my

view are: they trust eaeh other and their instincts, have good hearts, believe passionately in what they do, work hard and smart, have supportive wives,

appreciate their employees and families, are able to get close to their customers, produce quality products on time and on budget, are mission focused, do things for the right reasons, believe in collaboration and partnering, and are astute businessmen. Aimoku handles the "outside Pelatron stuff." He's the relationship builder; "talking chief '; deals with suppliers, vendors,

contractors; sells what the men and women of Pelatron produce; is Pelatron's salesman extraordinaire (his gift). Harvey handles the "inside Pelatron stuff." He's the technician. He works alongside Pelatron's engineers and specialists building and fabricating what our Marines need on the battlefield. That's his talent. And then there's Kimo cheering them on, he's the hnua guy. Every company has to have one. With their complementary skills and tremendous reservoir of special and unique talents, this Hui of Three have taken a small eeonomie engine and turned it into a big one in seven years. My wish for them and their families - that Pelatron will be the equal of The Boeing Co. I got to celebrate Christmas 2011 with the Pelatron 'ohana. It was a true family affair; just touching to see Aimoku, Harvey and Kimo with their wives, their employees and their employees' families "breaking bread" together, singing the songs of the Season, exchanging gifts, trading stories, having fun, enjoying one another. It was a day filled with "wow moments." Harvey capped it off so well when he thanked all of Pelatron's employees and families with these elegant and powerful words: "Without you we would not be where we are today." To borrow from a verse from SIeigh Ride, it was indeed the perfect ending of a perfect day. I am blessed to have these Warriors as my friends. Through Aimoku, Harvey and Kimo, Ke Ali'i Pauahi's Legacy lives on. They make OHA's Updated Strategic Plan real and relevant. ■

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Rūbert K. Lindsey, Jr. Trustee, Hawai'i