Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 1, 1 January 2012 — OHA awards $1.4 million to 16 community projects [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA awards $1.4 million to 16 community projects

By Francine Murray The OHA Board of Trustees recently approved $1.4 million in grants that will assist 16 community programs that promote better heahh, improved education, affordable housing and mueh more. Habitat for Humanity West Hawai'i, whieh works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate homes, was among the recipients. "We are extremely grateful that OHA is supporting Habitat to build simple, decent, affordable housing for its people. The $100,000 grant that we received from OHA will go toward the actual foundation of the next 10 homes we build," said Executive Director Patrick Hurney, describing OHA as "the foundation for many projects for the Hawaiian community." In September 2012, more than 70 volunteers will travel to Kailua-Kona to help the Habitat for Humanity in West Hawai'i do a "blitz build," constructing five homes in 10 days. Half of the OHA grant will go toward this event called Laulima na 'ohana in La'i 'Ōpua, on Hawaiian Home lands.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this community project, look for more information in 2012 at habitatwesthawaii.org or eall (808) 3318010. Over the past nine years, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has awarded more than $100 million in community grants. Kaiāulu Grants range from $25,001 to $100,000 and require matching funds of at least 50 percent of the total cost of a project. Eaeh of the 16 projects supported in this latest round will directly impact one or more of OHA's 10 Strategic Results. Here are the 16 grant recipients and the Strategic Result their projects will address: IMPROVE FAMILY LIFESTYLE CHOICES » American Lung Association in Hawai'i $40,000 to support education on asthma preventive and management skills. » Family Support Services of West Hawai'i - $60,241 to support family strengthening services to fathers. » Ka Hale Pōmaika'i - $100,000 in support of substance abuse treatment, sober housing and

recovery support services. » Kahoomiki - $72,400 in support of Fun 5 nutrition and physical activities for elementary students. » Neighborhood Plaee of Wailuku ine. $100,000 to fund a comprehensive eonhnuum of care support services involving diet, physical activity programs, case management and parenting classes. » 'Ohana Makamae ine. $100,000 to fund substance abuse treatment. INCREASE STABILITY IN HOUSING » Ilahilal for Humanity West Hawai'i - $100,000 in support of the Build the Foundation home-building project. » Honolulu Ilalulal for Humanity $100,000 to fund self-help home construction for Waimānalo Department of Hawaiian Home Lands families. » Kaua'i Ilahilal for Humanity $100,000 to fund home repair and renovation services. ACHIEVE PAE 'ĀINA SUSTAINABILITY » Kāko'o 'Ōiwi - $ 100,000 to fund lo'i kalo restoration at He'eia Wetlands. EXCEED EDUCATION STANDARDS » Learning Disal)ililies Association of Hawai'i - $100,000 to fund the School Readiness Project in Wai'anae and Kalihi. » University of Hawai'i, College of Eduealion - $83,674 to provide a "sense of plaee" to Hawaiian students to increase the numbers of Hawaiians attending and graduating from eollege. INCREASE FAMILY INCOME » Ma Ka Hana Ka 'Ike (In working, one iearns) - $100,000 to support building industry job training and employment for students. VALUE HISTORY AND CULTURE AND PARTICIPATE IN CULTURE » Makauila ine. - $99,350 to fund a Native Hawaiian Broadcast Media Training Program to support Hawaiian language television and news programming. » National Tropical Botanical Gardens $97,513 in support of the Three Hale for Three Hawaiian Communities hale-building program. DECREASE CHRONIC DISEASE » Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Ileallh and Hospital Board ine. - $100,000 to support a diabetes prevention control and awareness program. ■


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Volunteers help to lift the frame as they work on a new home in West Hawai'i. - Photo: Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity WestHawai'i