Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2011 — Hawaiian Civic Clubs honors OHA CEO [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiian Civic Clubs honors OHA CEO
By Harold Nedd KAHUKU, O'AHU — The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs paid tribute to OHA Chief Executive Clyde Nāmu'o during its convention Oct. 27 at Turtle Bay Resort. Nāmu'o received sustained applause from an estimated 600 people as he was presented with a proclamation that was described as recognition of his leadership and commitment to the Native Hawaiian community. "This is the very first time that our board of directors has issued a proclamation to anyone," said Annelle Amaral, the Kapoleibased First Vice President of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. "This is how mueh respect we have for the work he's done to help bring all of the Hawaiian community together." The recognition comes amid plans by Nāmu'o to retire in December after 10 years in the top job at OHA. "The civic clubs' mission and OHA's mission are tied together," Nāmu'o said. "What we do at OHA is support the work that the civic clubs do - with compassion and heart - to help the Hawaiian people." ■
G0VERNANCE To restore pono and ea, Native Hawaiians will achieve self-gover-nanee, after whieh the assets of OHA will be transferred to the new governing entity.
The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs honored OHA Chief Executive Clyde Nāmu'o atits annual convention for his leadership and commitment to the Native Hawaiian community. - Courtesy photo by Blaine Fergerstrom