Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2011 — Kanu Hawaiʻi launches "No Waste Challenge" [ARTICLE]
Kanu Hawaiʻi launches "No Waste Challenge"
Through the end of December 2011, Kanu Hawai'i runs the first "No Waste Challenge," a social marketing campaign calling on people and organizations to reduce waste during the holiday season, the time of year that typically generates 25 percent more garbage than normal. The campaign closes with a weeklong challenge from Dec. 18-26 to limit household trash to a single bag for the entire week. Through education and behavior change, Kanu Hawai'i aims to divert 50,000 pounds of trash from the landfill throughout December. Participants are given tips on how to conduct a home waste audit of what goes into their garbage bins. Eaeh week, the challenge is designed to reduce a different type of waste. To participate, you ean register your commitment at kanuhawaii.org/waste. Participants ean post photos of things they do to reduce waste in their daily lives via Twitter using the hashtag #nowaste, by tagging @Kanu Hawaii in the photo on Facebook, or by posting a journal
with photos on kanuhawaii.org.