Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 December 2011 — LUA GROUP HEADS TO AOTEAROA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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'Ōlohe Dr. Milehell C. Eli and Pā Ku'i A Holo is participating in the first three-day Traditional Martial Arts joint training exercise Dec. 5 to 7 on Mokoia lsland in Rotorua. Tumu Patrick Mohi of New Zealand will teach the arts of taiaha (long wooden club) and patu (short hand weapon), while Dr. Eli will instruct in the bone-breaking, joint dislocating art of the Hawaiian lua. Sponsored in part by the Maori Waipareira Trust, this exchange is an integral component of an extensive series of meetings and conferences in Rotorua, Whakatane, Waikato and Auckland on sharing of knowledge on mana, protocol, leadership, traditional healing practices, as well as community and eeonomie development initiatives. The meetings and training in December is in preparation for the continuation of the process in 201 2 as key Māori dignitaries, cultural and business leaders will converge in Hawai'i for a joint dedication and opening of a marae on Kualoa Ranch and to further strengthen cultural ties. - Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Mikhell Eli