Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2011 — Page 24 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Save big on Android this holiday season With Lifeline/Link Up, you ean receive a ;13,50 monthly discount on Mohi PCS phone service and half off activation, It's easy to qualify! For more info, visit a Mohi store, go to mobipcs.com/lifeline, or eall 723-1111,
^ RETAILSTORES L South King St. m 723-2097 Kamehameha Shopping Center 457-3306
Kapahulu Ave. 457-3400 Kapolei Aee Center 723-2099 Nanakuli 457-3300
Navy Exchange 723-2095 Pearlridge Uptown 723-2098
Town Center of Mililani 723-2094 Windward City Shopping Center 723-2096
HTC HERO - AndroidSmartphone, 2yr.Contract / NoContract Touch Screen Display & 5 MP camera. / $QQM Hurry!Whilesupplieslast. / 99 $59.99 Monthly PlanpriceincludesAuto Bill Pay, regular $64.99 M onthly wHhoui ABP. Contract requires aut ū bill pay and credit eheek. Available at retailstūres.Lifeline/LinkUp discount is $ 13.50/mo and ālfMTāctivat io n. Pricesexcludetaxesandfees. $ee representativefūrinfūrtnatiūnūnapplyingfūrLifeline/LinkUp.Lifeline discountwillbe effective ontfte billingcyclefūllowingreceipt of all dūcurrientationand documents must be receivedby Mobi no Iaterthan30daysafterinitial service activationinordertū receive LinkUp discount. lnitialLifelineand/ūrLinkUp discounts will be appliedwithin 60 days of receipt of all documentation. Only available on new service activation.