Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2011 — NATIVE HAWAIIAN SCHOLARSHIPS [ARTICLE]
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs offers higher education scholarships. To be eligible for the OFFICE 0F HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS SCHOLARSHIP FUND, you must: » Be a Hawai'i resident or resident of the continental United States » Demonstrate financial need » Be enrolled full-time or part-time at an accredited two-year or four-year college » Be a classified undergraduate or graduate student » Have a 2.0 or higher grade point average for undergraduates or 3.0 or higher for graduate students » Be registered with OHA's Hawaiian Registry Program (lf you need to register, go to www.oha.org/ registry to download an application form.) T0 APPLY, go to hawaiicommunityfoundation.org and search forthe "Office of Hawaiian Affairs Fund" scholarship. APPLI CATI ON ŪEAŪLINE: Friday, Feb. 17, 2012 For more information, eall (808) 594-1835. The following Native Hawaiian scholarships are also administered by Hawai'i Community Foundation. Visit www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org for details about eaeh fund and specific requirements. Deadline to apply is Feb. 17, 2012. BLOSSOM KALAMA EVANS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND For college juniors, seniors or graduate students of Hawaiian ancestry. HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION SCHOLARSHIP For students who are of at least 50 percent Hawaiian blood quantum or a Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) lessee. IDA M. POPE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP For women of Hawaiian ancestry pursuing a major in health, science or education (includes counseling and social work). JEAN ILEIALOHA BENIAMINA SCHOLARSHIP FOR NI'IHAU STUDENTS FUND In honor of the late educator and former Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee, this scholarship is for students who are residents of Kaua'i or Ni'ihau lsland. Preference given to current Ni'ihau residents or Kaua'i residents who are one ortwo generations removed from Ni'ihau lsland and to students who are proficient orfluent in the Hawaiian language.
KA'IULANI HOME FOR GIRLS TRUST SCHOLARSHIP For women of Hawaiian ancestry who are college freshmen orsophomores. Past recipients who will be juniors or seniors are also eligible to apply. HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS SCHOLARSHIPS Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu hcchonolulu.org Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club phhcc.org 'Ahahui Siwila 0 Kapolei For information, email kapoleihcc@yahoo.com Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club For information, email drelison@gmail.com Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club koolaupokohcc.org Mākaha Hawaiian Civic Club For information, email kaluhiokalani@aol.com Prince Kūhiō Hawaiian Civic Club pkhcc.com Waikiki Hawaiian Civic Club For information, email malianob@gmail.com OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE T0 NATIVE HAWAIIANS Kamehameha Schools Nā Ho'okama a Pauahi and 'lmi Na'auao scholarships (808) 534-8080, ksbe.edu/finaid Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundation (808) 534-3966, pauahi.org Gates Millennium Scholars Program 1-866-274-4677, gmsp.org The Asian & Pacific lslander American Scholarship Fund (202) 986-6892, apiasf.org Liko A'e Native Hawaiian Scholarship Program (808) 984-3366, likoae.org Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (Papa Ola Lōkahi) (808) 585-8944, nhhsp.org Please also visit www.catalog.hawaii.edu/tuitionfees/ scholarships.htm fora listingthat includes hundreds of scholarships available for students attending the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa.