Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 12, 1 December 2011 — OHAIN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
HI-PTAC VISITS CAPITOL HILL Representatives of Hawai'i Procurement īeehnieal Assistance Center recently visited the Washington, D.C., area to attend the fall conference of the Association of Procurement īeehnieal Assistance Centers. While there, they visited the Capitol Hill offices of all four of Hawai'i's congressional delegates to share information about their program and issues facing small businesses in Hawai'i. HI-PTAC is a program of Hi'ilei Aloha LLC, the nonprofit arm of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. HI-PTAC, whieh is funded by a federal grant with support from OHA, helps small businesses obtain government contracts from federal, state and county business solicitations, resulting in job creation, ineome generation and business retention in the loeal economy. Pictured with U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, second from left, are HI-PTAC Client Services Executive Assistant Erin Kanehira, left, Program Manager Jadine Lee and Senior Procurement Counselor Roy Matsuo. - Photo: Courtesy ofMne Lee
OHA STAFF VOLUNTEER AT APEC When the Asia-Pacific Eeonomie Cooperation convened in Honolulu in November, OHA employees Harold Nedd, left, Art Harris and lvan Coelho served as volunteers. Coelho, the Executive Assistant to OHA Chairperson Colette Machado, served as a volunteer at the airport. Nedd, an OHA Puhlie Relations Specialist, volunteered in the media center, providing support for more than 1,000 journalists from around the world, including 100 reporters assigned to the White House. Harris served as a driverforthe lndonesian delegation. Besides shuttling delegates between sites and delivering food, Harris attended a dinner honoring the lndonesian Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal. - Photo: Lisa Asato
OHA HOSTS MONTHLY OUTREACH IN KAPOLEI S The 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs Community 0utreach Program continued its services to the Leeward Community on 0ct. 31 at the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands in Kapolei. The monthly outreach, known as the 0HA in the Community Program, provides 1 0HA's beneficiaries with a convenient loeahon to access 0HA's programs and informational services in their community. 0HA Youth Coordinator Kūhiō Lewis, right, shared scholarship information, and Ka'imo Muhlestein, 0'ahu Community 0utreach Coordinator, provided information on 0HA's Mālama Loan Program, 0HA Micro-Loan Program and 0HA Grants. i Native Hawaiians were also able to sign up for 0HA's Hawaiian Registry Program. 0HA in the * Community is grateful to DHHL in Kapolei for opening its hale, where 0HA beneficiaries of |the Leeward community ean conveniently access 0HA's programs, services and information. 0HA plans to eonhnue the 0HA in the Community Program at DHHL in Kapolei from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the last Monday of eaeh month. For more information, please eall 594-1 835. - Courtesy photo by Blaine Fergerstrom