Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2011 — Nowemapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


LT Smooth will join his kī hō'alu brethren at the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival Kaua'i-lsland Style, I I Nov. 20 in Līhu'e. - Photo: Courtesy ofHawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival

LAHAINA ROYAL HŌ'IKE Sat, Nov. 12, 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; ho'oīauīe'a 9 a.m.-4 p.m ; lū 'au and hō 'ike 5-8 p. m. Pay homage to Lahaina's royal legacy and celebrate King Kalākaua's 175th birthday in a communitywide celebration. The day begins with rarely seen protocols honoring Queen Keōpūolani and the ali'i interred at Waine'e Royal Mausoleum, followed by hula, live music, food, crafts, Hawaiian games, lū'au and hō'ike telling the story of Kalākaua. Lū'au tickets: $45 per person, $400 for a table of 10. Other events are free. Waiola Church, Lahaina, Maui. (808) 250-9196 or royalhawaiianguard. eom. NĀWĀHINE KEIKEI - WOMEN OF DISTINCTION Sat, Nov. 12, 5 p.m. doors open, 6 p.m. dinner The Kaua'i Historical Society honors Chiefess Kamakahelei and Emma Kauikeōlani with a gala evening complete with gourmet

dinner, silent auction, live music by Kūpaoa, and historical chants and 'ōlelo about Kamakahelei, Kauikeōlani and Kaua'i. $75. Kaua'iMarriott Resort. (808) 2453373 or kauaihistoricalsociety. org. HAWAIIAN SLACK KEY GUITAR FESTIVAL "KAUAI-ISLAND STYLE" Sun, Nov. 20, noon-6 p.m. Enjoy the masterful kl hō'alu stylings of artists like Ledward Kaapana, Dennis Kamakahi, Makana, LT Smooth, Paul Togioka, Stephen Inglis, Kimo West, Paneho Graham, Brother Noland and Mike Kaawa. Visit food booths featuring loeal cuisine, island crafters and exhibits. Free. $10 requested donation. Kaua'i Beach Resort & Spa, ballroom, Llhu'e. (808) 2262697, kihoalufoundationinc@ yahoo.com or slackkeyfestival. eom. CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH THE CAZIMEROS

Sat, Nov. 26, 7-9 p.m. Robert and Roland Cazimero get into the spirit of the season with a performance of their unique blend of contemporary Hawaiian holiday hits. $27$30. Kīlauea Theater, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Hawai'i Island. (808) 967-8222 or volcano artcenter.org. CHRISTMAS PARADE OF LIGHTS Sat, Dec. 3, 6 p.m. Light it up Moloka'i style with a holiday parade of lighted floats, marching units and, of course - Santa! The parade will roll along from Hayaku Gas & Go to Mitchell Pauole Community Center, where a ho'olaule'a offers contests and lots to eat. Who will earn the prizes for best float, marching unit and decorated Christmas tree? Why don't you be the judge? Trees must be set up at the center by 2 p.m. molokaichamberfoundation. org, (808) 553-5393 or (808) 6460080. ■


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