Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 11, 1 November 2011 — Moana Nui gathering [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Moana Nui gathering

n addition to APEC, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has also provided funding in support of Moana Nui: Pacific PeopIes, Lands anel Economies, a three-day event timed to coincide with the gathering of Asia-Pacific leaders in Honolulu. The Nov. 9 to 1 1 Moana Nui gathering will feature a keynote address by Walden Bello, a member of the Philippines House of Representatives ; panels featuring native economists, farm and fishery practitioners, advocates for political and eeonomie sovereignty, and specialists in media, public education, environmental studies and law; as well as breakout sessions and a fashion show. OHA Trustee Peter Apo will participate in the Nov. 1 1 afternoon panel "Pacific Resources, Lands, Economies," happening at the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Hawaiian Studies, 2645 Dole St. The Nov. 9 gathering is by invitation only, and the Nov. 10 event will be held at Church of the Crossroads, 1212 University Ave. Moana Nui is presented by Pua Mohala I Ka Pō, for whieh author and UH Professor Jon Osorio serves as Chairman. The list of participants is lengthy and includes many familiar names, like Walter Ritte, Kyle Kajihiro, Ikaika Hussey and Q'orianka Kilcher, the indigenous actress from Peru who played the title role in the movie Princess Ka'iulani. For information, visit moananui2011.org.

