Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2011 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
" I'ue been very fortunate to receive two OHAMālama Loans. The first alloweā me to start Nikkei Koi, and the second helped us purchase equipment for Legacy ViIIa, our adult care home on the same property. Mālama' means to care, and when you look at both businesses, there's greatcare involved. " — Gary Hii'onaka, Ownei' NIKKEI KOI & LEGACY VILLA
Officeof hawaiian affairs
First Hawaiian Bank
All applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, whether applying individually or collectively, as a group of people organized for eeonomie development purposes. Partnerships, LLC's and Corporations that apply must also be 100% Native Hawaiian owned. Borrowers may be required to complete a credit counseling class before receiving the loan. Based on a fully amortized 7-year loan of $10,000 at 4.00% APR, you will have 84 monthly principal and interest payments of $136.69. Subject to credit approval and eligibility. Certain restrictions and conditions apply.