Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 11, 1 November 2011 — Waiʻanae teen gains financial skills [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Waiʻanae teen gains financial skills

By Joe Kūhiō Lewis OHA Youth Coordinator Congratulations to George Ka'apana, this month's Ola Ke Kalo I ka Ohā recipient. Ka'apana, a Kailua native now living in Wai'anae is being recognized for his commitment in creating positive change in his community. The high school junior is the President of the Wai'anae High School chapter of the AKAMAI Finance Academy. Ka'apana spearheads his team's efforts to increase awareness of finance-related career opportunities and training at Wai'anae High. Working with team adviser Camille Tong and fellow officers, Ka'apana has helped to build a foundation upon whieh future students in the Wai'anae community may benefit, and eventually, contribute toward the goal of increasing the number of Native Hawaiians in the hnanee industry. "Ka'apana has demonstrated outstanding leadership and

initiative by sharing hnaneial education with his peers," said Louis Perez, Chief Financial Officer for the Paeihe American Foundation and one of Ka'apana's mentors. The foundation is the parent organization of AKAMAI Finance Academy. Ka'apana was one of 51 academy students given the opportunity to visit New York in October. Students were treated to a firsthand experience of Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. "This experience gave us an up-close look at how the hnaneial industry works," said Ka'apana. Asked what sparked his passion, Ka'apana responded: "My grandpa inspired me. . . . He was very motivating and always pushed me to be all that I ean be. Since his passing I've challenged myself to be more like him." Ka'apana also credits his parents for supporting him and always being there when he needs them. "Family is important," he said. "I want to one day be able to help my family, the way they help me." "Ka'apana demonstrates intelligence and passion, and he is an effective communicator. He does not hesitate to take on responsibility and challenges. He is very respectful of others and knows how to accept defeat gracefully," Perez says. Ka'apana plans to work to help other youth develop

social skills and business etiquette through the Wai'anae Boys and Girls Club. He is also on a mission to do heaeh eleanup on the Wai'anae Coast. He knows that a little help ean go a long way, and that is his intent - to do as mueh as possible for his community because in the end it will pay off. ■ In recognition of our youth who make a positive difference in our community, eaeh month we will be featuring outstanding youth. Ifyou wouid like to nominale a youth to be featured, please eall ( 808) 594-1811.


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George Ka'apana. Photo: Courtesy of AKAMAI Foundation