Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2011 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 1 75 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $1 2.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 15th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified". OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.
@HA Office of Hawaiian Affairs 0HA ŪFFICES HONOLULU 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., StE. 500 Honolulu, Hl 00813 Phone: 808.534.1888 Fax: 808.534.1885 EAST HAWAI'I (HILO) 182-A B aker Aveoue Hilo, Hl 38720 Phone: 808.320.8418 Fax: 808.320.8421 WEST HAWAI'I (KONA) 75-5708 Hanama Pl„ Ste. 107 Kailua-Kona, Hl 38740 Phone: 808.327.3525 Fax: 808.327.3528 MOLOKA'I Kūlana 'Oiwi, P.O. Box 1717 Kaunakakai . Hl 38748 Phone: 808.580.3811 Fax: 808.580.3388 LĀNA'I P.O. Box 831413, Lāna'i City, Hl 38783 Phone: 808.585.7330 Fax: 808.585.7331 KAUA'I / NI'IHAU 2370 Kele Street, Ste . 113 Li hu'e, Hl 38788-1153 Phone: 808.241.3330 Fax: 808.241.3508 MAUI 380 Papa Plaee, Ste. 105 Kahului, Hl 38732 Phone: 808.873.3384 Fax: 808.873.3381 WASHINGĪON. D.C. 300 2nd Street, NE, Su ite 107 Washington, DC 2ŪŪŪ2 Phone: 202.454.0320 Fax: 202.388.7131
BIG ISLAND -WAIMEA 10 acre pastoral w/ house, shed — dry piggery; Lālāmilo 4/2.5 home, solar, metal roof, yd.; Kawaihae Mauka 2/1. Maku'u AG 6+ ae. N. Kaluahine St.; Hilo res lot in Keaukaha. DHHL Leases, Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. BIG ISLAND — WAIMEA, Pu'ukapu pastoral lot. 10 acres fenced in with cattle gate. Must have 50% Hawaiian to qualify. $65k or best offer. Call 808-221-7266. B0BBIE KENNEDY (RA), with Graham Realty Ine. years of experience with DHHL properties and general real estate, on all islands. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol.com. CHARMAINE I. ŪUILIĪ PŪKI (REALT0R) Prudential Locations LLC 808-295-4474. Specialize in Hawaiian Home Lands Properties. (Fee Simple also) 25 years. F0R SALE: Kamuela, Big lsland 4 bedroom Country Home on developed 10 acre farm. Commercial kitchen, warehouse, tractor shed, office/storage building. DHHL requirements. 1-808-756-2688. HAWAIIAN HOMELANŪ PRŪPERTIES NOWI Are you on the DHHL waiting list? Wait no longer. Call for available homes now. Cherise Antoque-Tilton (Realtor) 808-852-2555. KAHIKINUI: 12.75 acre pasture lot. Two level house pads, SIC telephone cable runs through length of lot. Interested in trading for Kēōkea agriculture lot. Call 333-0097. KAMUELA, BIG ISLAND: Located on paved road minutes from Waimea town. 4.63 acres, great view of Mauna Kea, fully fenced w/ water & entiy gate. $185,000. Call 808-960-7886. KANAKAMAŪLI FLAGS(large $30.00, small $6.00), T-shirts for every island from S to XXXL, $17 (S,M,L) and $21 (XL,XXL,XXXL), stickers. www.KanakaMaoliPower.org or 808-332-5220. KAWAIHAE: House for sale by owner, 3bd/ 3 full bath on 1 acre flag lot w/ cottage,
patio, stainless steel appl, washer/ dryer. Master bdrm w/walk-in closet and Jacuzzi. Ceiling fans/granite countertops & many extras. $377,000. 808-651-2011. KAWAIHAE MAKAI -5bd/3ba home,almost oceanfronton 17,164sf lot. MustbeDHHL qualified. $499,000 LH Jeannette Young, RB Hawaii Pacific Brokers, LLC 808-885-5557 MAUI — WAIEHU KŪU Phase 2, Beautiful 4/3 upgraded, newflrs, ae, cvd lanai enel. yd. mueh more. Great location. Waiohuli - Kula, Beautiful 3/2 home, lotsof upgrades, level lot. DHHL leases. Graham Reality ine, BobbieKennedy(RA) 808-221-6570. MŪLŪKA'I pastoral, agricultural and residential lots for sale, package deal. Make offer.Call (808) 348-7550. NATIŪNALLY RECOGNIZED ARTISAN &
craftsman Dexter Soares of lpus by Ke'ala announces the availability of first-place type Merrie Monarch ipu heke. All sizes available. Raw gourds & workshops available. Call 808-386-0548. Ū'AHU CESSP00L & SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE a loeal eo. pls eall 753-1411 or eall Big John at 783-4778. With 24/7 emergency callout. See us at www.Oahu CessPoolAndSepticPumping.com. Ū'AHU - MILILANI Four (4) double burial plots.Asking $10,500. Call 397-6817. UNDERSTANDING MEDICARE AND YŪUR MEDICARE ŪPTIŪNS. Call Glenn Chung at 808-295-5132 for more information. WAI'ANAE VALLEY 2.23 acres 3 bdrm/ 1 bath home. Level lot ideal for farming. Mountain/ oeean views. $450,000 (Leasehold) Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R)
FREE SOLAR HOT WATER HEATER ■ ^VVfl9fffTWUI!TW9!9Vf^^H vv«UlBlHliyillllBHill The Hale Maika'i program has been extended for a limited time and available to qualified Big lsland families residing on Hawaiian Home Lands. Applications are still being accepted. Call (808) 244-1500 to see if you qualify.
For more information about the Hale Maika'i program anel to receive an application, contact: Dowling Company, ine. 2005 Main Street, Wailuku, Hl 96793 Phone: (808)244-1500 Email: develop@dowlingco.com
Applications may also be picked up at the DHHL District Office in Hilo and Waimea Program made possible by the the Department of Labor and lndustrial Relations, Office of Community Services, in partnership with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program for Hawaii in relation to Public Law 111-5, the Amenean Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.