Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 10, 1 October 2011 — ʻAha Hīpuʻu, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Hālau Kupa Hawaiʻi of Forrington High School -- mahalo a nui [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻAha Hīpuʻu, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Hālau Kupa Hawaiʻi of Forrington High School -- mahalo a nui
Aloha pumehana kākou. On Aug. 27, the "Aha HIpu'u, (Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian WarriorsMāmakakaua, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu. Roval
Order of Kamehameha and Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i) welcomed Kalani Ali'i Awards Honorees for 201 1 Agnes Kalaniho'okaha Cope, Sarah Patricia 'Ilialoha Keahi, William Kaihe'ekai Maioho, S. Haunani Apoliona and the Haili 'Ohana. Gracious comments of Donna Lei Smythe, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu and Chair of 'Aha Hīpu'u 2011, are quoted in part: "We the 'Aha Hīpu'u are so
appreciative for her (Apoliona's) understanding of the Royal Benevolent Societies and the collaboration in 'Aha Hīpu'u. She gave kōkua in 2003 when Eddie Akana advised the societies to be alert to challenges the Hawaiians
were facing and went to OHA. We thank her for her acknowledgement of 'Aha Hīpu'u in one of her Trustee messages and support her whenever she needs us. There is so mueh more that ean be said about Haunani Apoliona - I am always in awe of what she has accomplished and who she is and she doesn't even realize herself what and who she is and how we see her. For all that she has done and for being Haunani, the 'Aha Hīpu'u proudly awards her with our Kalani Ali'i Award." Mahalo i kō 'oukou lokomaika 'i e nā lālā ola o Ka 'Aha Hīpu'u. On Aug. 23, I joined
60 of approximately 84 students enrolled in Hawaiian language as participants in Hālau Kupa Hawai'i, the Hawaiian Academy at Wallaee Rider Farrington High School, as Founders Day keynote speaker. Energetic and enthusiastic students committed to the values of Hālau Kupa Hawai'i that include "kuleana" - that responsibility to be a self-directed learner; "ulu" - that responsibility to grow in critical thinking and effective communication;
"paipai" - that responsibility to contribute to community and to exemplify quality in what is done; and "alaka'i - that responsibility to lead as an effective and ethical user of technolo2V launched vear ei2ht of the
Academy. Haumana of Hālau Kupa Hawai'i look to Four Native Hawaiian Women, as Founders, who serve as models, mentors and teachers by whieh students challenge themsel ves tomea sure their own excellence and achievements in living the values of na'auao, hō'ihi, ho'omau, mālama, aloha, lokomaika'i, pono and ho'omaika'i. The Founders of Hālau Kupa Hawai'i include Queen Lili'uokalani (Lili'uokalani House); Mary Kawena Pukui (Pukui House);
Mālia Kawaiho'ouluohā'ao Craver (Craver House) and Lolena Ni'au Nicholas (Nicholas House). Kumu Alohilani Okamura established Hālau Kupa Hawai'i in 2003, with the support of then-Principal Catherine Payne. More
■ than 200 Governors have completed the rigors of Hālau Kupa Hawai'i. Hālau I students have been invited by OHA's Youth Coordinator 5 KūhiōLewistobecome contributors to OHA's Youth Corner found eaeh month in Ka Wai Ola. Mahalo e nā haumana o Hālau Kupa | Hawai'i. Holomua t 'oukou pākahi. On July 30, the Bernice Pauahi ■ Bishop Museum awarded Gov. Neil Abercrombie the annual Charles : Reed Bishop Medal and myself the first I Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Museum Medal. All in attendance were reminded that in 1887, three years after Pauahi's 1884 passing, the Kamehameha School for Boys was established on the grounds we know as Kaiwi'ula, and in 1889 the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum was established and continues to stand on these same grounds continuing to educate generations, 122 years later. Mahalo a nui e nā lima hana o Ka Hale Hō'ike'ike O Kamehameha. 34/48 ■
Haunani Apnlinna, MSW TrustEE, At-largE