Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 9, 1 September 2011 — Geothermal may be good for Hawaii -- with caveats [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Geothermal may be good for Hawaii -- with caveats

/ A no'ai kakou . . . Our state needs a * / \ quick solution to our fossil fuel ^^\ problem. Hawaii is the most oil- # % dependent state in / \the U.S., making

up 90 percent of our energy needs. We currently pay $7 hillion annually for imported oil and we also have the highest electricity rates in the U.S. With the price of oil predicted to rise over $200 a barrel by 2013-2014, things are only going to get more expensive. It is imperative that we develop renewable and selfsufficient sources of energy for the entire state. Luckily,

Hawaii is blessed with many valuable sources of renewable energy, such as Oeean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), tidal surge, wave, wind, solar and geothermal. While eaeh of these energy sources have downsides, it is geothermal that has the worst reputation. Everyone remembers the debacle caused in 1993 by the Puna Geothermal Venture on the Big Island. Residents were so angry about the laek of community input and emission problems that they ended any further geothermal development on the island. Clearly, the Puna Geothermal Venture is a perfect example of how not to develop a geothermal plant in Hawaii. Innovations Development Group (IDG), a Hawaii-based company established in 1998, studied the mistakes that were made in Puna and offers a better, cleaner and culturally appropriate development plan. IDG is a majority Native Hawaiian-owned company with extensive experience developing energy opportunities in Hawaii and the Paeihe. They are currently developing three geothermal projects in New Zealand. IDG operates under the Native-to-Native Community Collaborative Model in Indigenous Communities, whieh recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples to participate in the development and improvement of their resources in a culturally appropriate, environmentally sustainable, equitable, socially responsible, economically sensible, and most importantly - pono way. IDG is proposing to develop geothermal projects in viable locations through the state using the latest technology, whieh reinjects emissions. It is currently conducting presentations to various stakeholders,

including OHA. During our presentation, IDG promised to: (1) Identify and preserve all cultural resources; (2) Hire cultural protection consultants; (3) Share the benefits of proceeds with the community

throughjob training, onsite employment opportunities, scholarships, educational opportunities, community centers, agriculture markets, building new parks and improving beach areas; and (4) Provide a fair and reasonable electric rate to customers. IDG projects also provide secondary small-business opportunities, such as spa-bathing facilities, timber- and food-drying using steam, an industrial technology park with a renewable energy focus, and even aquaponic

greenhouses. In early July, Trustee Peter Apo and I attended an accelerated course on managing investments in an unpredictable economy at the Yale University School of Management. It was a great leaming experience. One of the topics of discussion was how endowments and trusts are now investing in venture capital as a way to hedge their investments. By using alternative investments such as commodities, natural resources and venture capital, they are able to stabilize their portfolios. Geothermal as a venture capital investment would make a lot of sense for OHA to seriously consider. Before any IDG proposal is considered by OHA, they will first need to consult the Native Hawaiian Community regarding: (1) The selection of the site; (2) The technology that will be used, (3) Cultural access for gathering, worship, heritage protection and preservation; (4) Any negative impacts to Native religious belief system; (5) Benefits for Native Hawaiians; and (6) Their broader vision for Hawaii. The state is in the middle of a budget crisis and is struggling to look for new sources of ineome to pay for critical services. Geothermal developments could provide the ineome the state desperately needs while significantly reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and providing benefits to the community without raising taxes - but only with strong safeguards and caveats. Aloha Ke Akua. ■ Interested in Hawaiian issues and OHA? Please visit my web site at www. rowenaakana.org for more information or email me at rowenaa@oha.org.

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