Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2011 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

lmp'rove Your Quality of Life with Dental lmplants ^($89'Vālūi)^' State-of-the-Art CT scanning is an essential diagnostic tool when planning for dental implants. It provides a three dimensional image and cross-sectional images of the jaw to show bone volume and density, supporting a higher standard of dental implant care. Dental implants will rid you of your partial denture or flipper. Unlike bridges, they prevent bone loss and preserve adjacent teeth. lMI^^^^UmPLETE^^J| Dental implants replace your missing teeth without compromising your natural teeth; they are fixed and non-removable. (MISSINGA^|ETiHl) | ALL-ON_^_)j lf you have failing teeth or are missing all of your teeth, Pacific Dental & lmplant Solutions offers the revolutionary AII-on-4 procedure, whieh avoids lengthy bone grafting procedures and uses only four implants on eaeh arch to support immediate placement of teeth on the implants in Just One Day.


Dr. Jmi Asam, a graduate of Kamehameha and Harvard Dental School, received her specialty degree in Advanced Prosthodontics. As a Prosthodontist, she uses customized treatment planning to handle even the most complex of dental conditions, focusing on improving oral function, appearance, comfort and health. Learn W more about Dr. Asam at www.PDISHawaii.com

Dr. Jmi Asam 4211 Wai'alae Ave, Suite 102 Honolulu, Hl 96816 Located at Kahala Mall

(808) 737-6150 www.PDISHawaii.com