Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2011 — AUWAHI AHUPUAʻA [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Notice is hereby given that Paeihe Legacy, ine. is in the process of preparing a Burial Treatment Plan for the Auwahi Wind Farm Project located on 'LHupalakua Ranch land. This plan addresses the permanent preservation and protection of four human burials within the e. 282 acre Auwahi Wind Farm parcel located at TMK (2) 1-9-001:006 in the Auwahi ahupua'a, Makawao District, Maui Island. The four human burials were discovered in three lava tubes and an open air shelter during archaeological investigations conducted in 2010. The burials are presumed to be Native Hawaiian, based in their loeahon, context, and association with other materials found during the archaeological investigations. Proper treatment of the burials shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E, Section 43 regarding unmarked Native Hawaiian burials and burials over 50 years in age. The entire ahupua'a of Auwahi was awarded to Princess Ruth Ke'ehkōlani (LCA 7716). Descendants of famihes from the area or persons with information about families from the area are requested to participate in the preparation of the Burial Treatment Plan. During the August

meeting of the Maui/Lāna'i Island Burial Council Meeting the following names of families were mentioned as possibly having connections to the ahupua'a of Auwahi: Koholoa, Houki, Chang, Kauaua, KauauaMahi, Alaea, Kahauhuna, Kakuawa, Kaowana, Kekahuna, and Kamaunu. We are interested in consulting with any members of these families as well as other persons that have direct ties to the southern portion of the ahupua'a of Auwahi. Respondents recognized as Mneal descendants must demonstrate a family eonneehon by providing relevant information to the Department of Land and Natural Resources State Historic Preservation Division, pursuant to Hawai'i Administrative Rule §13-300-35. Cultural descendants are requested to provide a family eonneehon to the ancestors who onee lived in the ahupua'a of Auwahi. Please contact Vincent Hinano Rodrigues, Culture Historian, State Historic Preservation Division at 808-243-4640 or Paul L. Cleghom, Paeihe Legacy, at 808-263-4800 to present information regarding the above burials or to inquire about the procedures for recognition as lineal or cultural descendants. Please respond within 30 days of the date of this nohee. I