Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2011 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DHHL Beneficiary Survey Coming in October All Hawaiian Homelands lessees and applicants will receive a survey in the mail in October. By taking a few minutes to answer and return our Beneficiary Survey, you ean help the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands better understand your needs and your thoughts on important issues under consideration by the Department. If you have not received mail from DHHL in the past year, it is likely that we do not have your current address. Please take a moment, now, via one of these two ways to update your mailing address: 1. Use the Change of Address Form to the right; or 2. Download the Change of Addressform at http://tinyurl.com/dhhl-coa Fill out either form and mail it in an envelopeto: DHHL Planning Office, P.O. Box 1879, Honolulu, Hl 96805 by the end ofSeptember to be sure you are included in our Beneficiary Survey. For more information on the Beneficiary Survey or other DHHL programs, go to ourwebsite at www.hawaiianhomelands.org; orwrite to our Planning 0ffice at P.O. Box 1879, Honolulu, Hl 96805; orsend an emailto dhhl.planning@hawaii.gov; or eall (808) 620-9A80.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM What is Your Status? □ Lessee | | Applicant | | Both Print Full Name: Last k numbers of your Social Security Number (SSN): Old Mailing Address: New Mailing Address: Your Signature: Date: Phone Number: ES PLPAHLMLN"]' OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS www.hawaiianhomelands.org E3HET"ie.