Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 8, 1 August 2011 — BURIAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]
Waiakea Ahupua'a NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GTVEN that a historic property (SIHP # 50-10-35-22080) containing a single human femur bone understood as a probable burial was discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, ine. in a lava sink feature during the course of an archaeological inventory survey related to the proposed development of undeveloped land west of Komohana St. and north of Puainako St. within the ahupua'a of Waiākea, District of South Hilo, Island of Hawai'i TMK: [3] 2-4-001:170. The project proponent is the State of Hawai'i Department of Accounting and General Services contact: Emst Lau, Puhlie Works Administrator, 1151 Punehhowl Street, P.O. Box 119, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96810; phone: 808-586-0476. Background research indicates that during the Māhele these lands (along with the rest of the ahupua'a of Waiākea) were awarded to Victoria Kamāmalu (LCA7713: 16). No kuleana (maka'āinana Land Commission Awards) are known in the immediate vicinity. Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, the probable burial is believed to be over 50 years old. The project proponent would prefer to preserve the probable burial in plaee; however, the decision to preserve in plaee or relocate these previously identified probable burials shall be made by the Hawai'i Island Burial Council and SHPD in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. The probable burial's proper treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38 or 13-300-39. SHPD is requesting persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of this probable burial to immediately contact Mr. Analu Josephides at SHPD, located at P.O. Box 2972, Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i 96745, phone: (808) 327-
4959 or fax (808) 933-7655, to provide information regarding appropriate treatment. All interested parties should respond within thirty days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/ or provide information to SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from this specific probable burial or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the vicinity of this survey area. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT N0TICES Honokōhau Ahupua'a Information requested by Helen Wong Smith of cultural activities in Honokōhau Ahupua'a, North Kona, Hawai'i, [TMK (3) 7-4-08 Por. 13 & 30]; area between Queen Ka'ahumanu and Māmalahoa Highways, between Hinalani Street and Kealakehe Parkway. Please respond within 30 days to smith@ hawaii.edu or (808) 987-4854. Pūlehunui Ahupua'a Information requested by SCS of cultural resources or ongoing cultural activities on or near a land parcel in Pu'unene, Pūlehunui Ahupua'a, Wailuku District, Maui Island, Hawai'i [TMK: (2) 3-8-008:019]. Please respond within 30 days to SCS at (808) 597-1182. Draft Consultation Protocol for Iwi Kupuna Discovery During the Archaeological Inventory Survey for the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project As required by the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement for the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project, the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation has completed a draft protocol for consultation regarding treatment of any iwi kupuna identified during the archaeological inventory survey. This document has been posted on the Honolulu Rail Transit Project website, www.Honolu luTransit.org. All comments received by September 20, 20 1 1 , will be considered prior to the document being finalized and submitted for approval by the Federal Transit Administration. ■