Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2011 — ʻAukake [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
HONORING THE ANCIENTS Fri,Aug. 12, 8:30 a.m.-noon The Hula Preservation Society kicks off monthly 201 1 workshops featuring the rare hula implements hula papa hehi (treadle board) a me kāla'au (hand sticks), hula ki'i (Hawaiian puppetry), hula 'ūlili (spinning gourd rattle) and hula 'ohe hano ihu (nose llute). Includes live dance demonstrations from the lines of Aunty Nona Beamer and Unele George Nā'ope. $50; kama'āina and group discounts. Hale Pulelehua Studio, Kāne'ohe, O'ahu. Reservations, (808) 2479440 or workshops.hps@gmail. eom. hulapreservation.org. NA MEA HAWAI'I HULA KAHIKO PERFORMANCE Sat, Aug. 13, 10:30 a.m. Watch traditional hula and oli performed alongside Kīlauea Crater in majestic Volcanoes Nahonal Park. Featuring Hula Hālau o Kou Lima Nani E with Kumu Hula Iwalani Kalima. Cultural demonstrations run 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at VAC Gallery. Free admission; park entrance fees apply. (808) 967-8222 or
volcanoartcenter.org. HO'OKU'IKAHI ESTABLISHMENT DAY CULTURAL FESTIVAL Sat.-Sun., Aug. 13-14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Take part in royal court ceremonies, traditional warrior exhibitions and workshops on hula kahiko, lei haku ame lei wili (ancient lei making), hana kapa kuiki (quilting), lauhala weaving, hana 'upena kiloi (net making), hana hū (spinning tops), holo wa'a (eanoe rides) and ku'i 'ai (poi pounding). Admission is free, but eaeh visitor must learn one craft to help preserve the Hawaiian culture. Pu'ukoholā Heiau Nahonal Historic Site, Kawaihae on the Big Island's Kohala Coast. (808) 882-7218 or nps.gov/puhe. SLACK KEY MASTERS WITH JOHN KEAWE Tliurs., Aug. 18, 7:30 p.m. John Keawe plays hits from throughout his career, including songs fromhis Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award-winning albums Hawai'i Island ... Is My Home and Play with Me, Papa. Wife Hope Keawe
accompanies with elegant hula performances, and Grammy Award-winning artist George Kahumoku Jr. opens the show with music and storytelling. $24$45. Maui Arts & Cultural Center, McCoy Studio Theater. (808) 2427469 or mauiarts.org. MADE IN HAWAI'I FESTIVAL Fri.-Sat, Aug. 19-20, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., and Sun., Aug. 21, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. This festival features the best in homegrown products from around the 50th state, including food products, books, gifts, apparel, jewelry, arts and crafts and mueh more. Top Hawai'i performers entertain the crowds, and award-winning chefs from loeal restaurants offer live cooking demos. $4. Neal Blaisdell Arena & Exhibition Hall. (808) 533-1292 or madeinhawaiifestival.com. UNDER A JARVIS MOON Wed., Aug. 24, 7 p.m. Watch Under a Jarvis Moon on the big screen at Hawai'i Theatre. This documentary covers a liūle-known story of
Hawaiian colonists in the 1930s and '40s on remote islands in the Paeihe. The last remaining colonists will attend. Box office, (808) 528-0506. For TV audiences, PBS Hawai'i will debut the film at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 25. DUKE'S OCEANFEST Wed.-Sun., Aug. 24-28, /
runs all day . Beach boys and girls / payhomagetoHawai'i's / famed waterman, Duke / Paoa Kahanamoku, with longboard surf- \^_ ing, paddleboard rac- V ing, swimming, tandem ^ surfing, surf polo, heaeh vollevball and stand-un nad-
dling. Festivities eommenee at 7 a.m. Aug. 24, Duke's birthday, with a lei-draping ceremony at the Duke statue and continue at spots around Waikīkl Beach through Sunday. The five-day event acts as a scholarship fundraiser for the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation. dukefoundation.org. KA HIMENI ANA Sat, Aug. 27,7 p.m.
Step back in time at this annual music competition that blends the best of vocal harmonies and unamplified acoustic instruments in the old nahenahe style. See up-and-coming amateur Hawaiian music groups pull out all the stops in a musical evening paying tribute to Aunty Genoa Leilani Keawe and her loving husband, Edward Puniwai Keawe, $23-$33. Hawai'i Theatre. Tickets, (808) 528-0506 or hawaiitheatre.com. hmhof.org. PIKO AND HOEA EXHIBIT Ongoing through Sun., Aug. 28 8 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, Sunday noon-6 p.m. Visit the University of Hawai'iMānoa Hamihon Library's Bridge Gallery showcasing contemporary art from the 2007 PIKO Gathering of indigenous artists in Waimea, Hawai'i Island, and the Hawaiian 'Ohana for Education in the Arts (HOEA) Native Hawaiian Art Project. Features 170 works by 73 artists from across the Paeihe. Free. skillman@hawaii.edu, (808) 956-8688 or httn://bit.lv/oO03e0.
'ONIPA'A Sun, Sept. 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. This annual celebration of Queen Lili'uokalani's birthday highlights the life and times of Hawai'i's last reigning monarch. Take a Mai Poina guided walking tour, featuring costumed role players draw-
y ing attention \ to the 1893 \ overthrow \ of the Haw a i i a n / Kingdom. / L e a r n / about the Queen's prolihe musical
legacy and bring your 'ukulele to a talk led by Walter Kawai'ae'a. See a Kū'ē Petition play, Ka Lei Maile Ali'i: The Queen 's Women, based on an 1897 article published in a San Francisco newspaper. In the Kana'ina Building, Dr. Baron Ching shares his collection of Hawaiian Kingdom money, coins and stamps. 'Iolani Palaee. Free. (808) 372-0630 or mkhan@hawaiiantel.net. ■