Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2011 — Youth shoots for the stars [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Youth shoots for the stars
By Joe Kūhiō Lewis OHA Youth Coordinator Eighteen-year-old Jasmine Foster has devoted herself to bettering the lives of her peers and empowering her community through volunteer service. In the summer of 2009, Foster was selected by the PA'I Foundation's Ho'oulu Project to study for four weeks at the prestigious Harvard Medical School. Inspired by her visit, she returned home with a passion to help others. Foster grew up in a large family, having six brothers
and three sisters. "Money was tight, but my parents taught us to always appreciate what we had," said Foster. This taught Foster resourcefulness. It also drives her to excel in academics and focus on her goals. A main goal is to complete medical school and serve others in need. Foster says, "Being Hawaiian comes with kuleana, and your actions set examples for others." "When I first met Jasmine she was very shy and reserved but also very humhle," explains Kehau Kaho'ohanohano, Foster's former Hawaiian language teacher. Inspired by her teachers, the Kula, Maui, native now volunteers her time by helping athletes andthird graders reach their academic potential by offering free tutoring. Foster recalls her first tutoring experience as being a little spooky. "I remember feeling scared because I'm very shy," says Foster. She also volunteers at the Maui Memorial Medical Center, the Key Club and with Kamehameha Schools. Foster recently graduated from Kekaulike High School with a 4.0 GPA and is enrolled at the University of Hawai'i. "My passion in life is to help others. It makes me feel good knowing that I made a difference," Foster excitedly explains. When asked if she has a message for her peers, she referred to a saying her unele onee told her, "Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you will be among the stars." ■ In recognition of our youth who make a positive difference in our community, eaeh month we will be featuring outstanding youth. Ifyou wouhl like to nominate a youth to be featured, please eall (808) 594-1811.
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