Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 July 2011 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

AH LEONG/KAPAHUKEA/KALAMA/ KAUAHI/MOKULEHUA - After comparing genealogy notes and data, we have discovered that Kalama (wahine, b : 1 8 40 in Kona) was married twice: lst m: John Ah Leong (kane, b:l 838) they had six children: *Juliana (w) m: Kepano Mokulehua; *Lulima (k); *Josephine (w) m: Joseph Kauahi; *Thomas (k) m: Mabel Pohina; *Kekui (w) and *Kalua (k). 2nd m: Kapahukea and they had three children: *Kapahuakea (k); *Kumuole (k) and *Keamalu (w). Henee, we would like to invite all the descendants from both marriages of Kalama to include the 'Ohana of Rose Ah Leong who was married to Henry Daniels (we are in the process of connecting this particular branch to our Family Tree). The 'Ohana Reunion (coordinated by Kimokelii@aol.com) is set for July 14-16, 2011: Thursday (12-9 p.m.) *'0hana Tour at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Lā'ie, O'ahu; Friday (5-9pm) *'0hana Dinner/ Show at Paradise Cove Lū'au in the Ko 'Olina Resort area, O'ahu; Saturday: 'Ohana Potluck Pienie Activity at Kapi'olani Regional Park in Waikīkī, O'ahu. Logistics: 1) Eaeh 3rd Generation Clan (grandchildren of Kalama) must contribute $500 to the Reunion Potluck Pienie due June 15 to treasurer Andrea Kailihiwa at kailihiwaOOl @ hawaii.rr.com; 2) To visit our 'Ohana Reunion web site email Webmaster, Kikawaialae@gmail. eom; 3) Contact Ka Peters-Wong at kalungka@ yahoo.com for Reunion T-shirt order forms (Adult M-XXXL=$15; Children T-Youth L=$10) due June 15; 4) Genealogy Books are produced by I'okepa DeSantos, email anakala@hawaii.rr.com for data and photo submissions due June 15. Ah Leong, Kalama, Kapahukea and Kauahi 'Ohana members, contact ī'okepa at ahleong.kalama@ gmail.com. Mokulehua 'Ohana members, contact Nanai Oyamot at Alohabee@aol.com. AKIONA/PAPANUI - The Akiona-Papanui descendants will host their first family reunion Aug. 18-21, 2011, Thurs.-Sun. in Hilo, Hawai'i. We invite all descendants of Sarah Pi'ikea Papanui and Kam Sheong Akiona from South Kona, Hawai'i. Their 13 known children are: Rose Kalei'eha Akiona (Thor Morck), Benjamin Kalani Akiona (Helen Kalaluhi), William Kalani Akiona (Amoe Wong), Holbin Holoae Akiona (Erminda Medeiros), GeorgePapanuiAkiona, Nani Kaluahine Akiona (Leroy Kay), Katherine Kaili'eha Akiona, Charles Kuhaupi'o Akiona (īrene Kupihea), Albert Awana Akiona (Emma Molaka Ka'ai), Edward Akiona, Arthur Ka'aonohi Akiona (Daisy Haina), Roseline Akiona (John Goodwin), īrene Alun Akiona (Thomas Kaleo). For reunion information, visit ourblog at www.akionapapanui.blogspot.com or contact reunion ehaiiman Mieah Kamohoalii at M ie ahk amoho alii@gmail.com. DUDOIT - The descendants of Charles Victor Abraham Dudoit and Margaret (Maggie) Makai Nawahine are holding a family reunion Aug. 6 and 7, 201 1, at Wailua (Manai) Moloka'i property where there children were born and raised. īf you have any questions or would like to attend, email joanndudoit@yahoo.com or eall 723-1893. GOO TONG AKUNA - The descendants of Goo Tong Akuna/Puakailima Kaholokula and Goo Tong Akuna/Chang Shee (aka Chang Oe) will have their seventh family reunion on Maui Aug. 12, 13, and 14, 2011, at the Hannibal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. All descendants of Ah Ki Akuna, Apiu Akuna, Ah Chuck Akuna,

Mary ,Ah Pin Chung-Leong, Hannah Ah Han Ah Fong, Mabel ,Ah Lan Alana Wallaee, Jack Pun San ,Akuna, Henrietta ,Ah Hong Apo, Malia Maria Naehu, Edward K. ,Akuna, Agnes Neki īgarta, Lawrence Goo, Yeh Wah Goo, Sing Kum Goo, Sim Goo, and Choy Goo are invited to attend. Monthly meetings are being held to plan and coordinate the festivities. Everyone is invited to attend; any suggestions or comments to help make this reunion a success are welcomed. To volunteer entertainment, sing karaoke, speak on cultural history or family history please contact us. We will have an "open mike" night on Friday, Aug. 12. We would like to record any oral history from our kūpuna. ,AQyone with video expertise or video equipment that would like to help, please contact us. This video and our slideshow will be available on CD. Join our Facebook page (GooTongAkunaReunion) and visit our web site (www.gootongakunareunion.com) for information and updates. Contact Blair or Patti Kitkowski at blairk808@yahoo.com. Phone (808) 877-4200 or eell (808) 264-0669. Our mailing address is 122 īhea St., Pukalani, Maui, Hī 96768. IOKIA - The īokia 'ohana will host a reunion Safurday, July 23, 2011, in Nānākuli, O'ahu, for the descendants of the children of Helen and David īokia. The children are: Yama (Weistbart) (4), Kanani (Garcia) (2), Joesph (17), Davida (2), Samuel (6), -Aonie (Ha'o) (6), Rose (Wagner) (8), Margaret (Poe) (6), Lillian (Davis) (2), Nancy (Reason) (5), Alfred (3), Puna (2). Our extended 'ohana will be joining us on this day. The event will be held at Aunty ,AQnie's house in Nānākuli. For information, contact Harilina Poe at (808) 2860918 or via e-mail at harikoani@yahoo.com. KA'AUHAUKANE - Na Lala 0 Ana Lumaukahili'owahinekapu Ka'auhaukane will celebrate our seventh 'ohana ho'olaule'a and pā'ina Aug. 21, 2011, at KEY Project in Kahalu'u on O'ahu island. Ana's makuakāne was Kamokulehua'opanaewa Ka'auhaukane (k) and makuahine was Pailaka Ho'ohua (w). Ana was born March 3, 1845, in Ka'auhuhu, North Kohala, on Hawai'i īsland. Her date of death is Jan. 30, 1917. Her kaikua'ana was Kealohapauole Kalaluhi Ka'auhaukane (w). ,Aoa first married Joseph Kaiamakini Kanoholani (k). They had 'ekolu kamali'i: Joseph Kaiamakini Kanoholani (k), Makini Kanoholani (k) and Mary Kaiamakini Kanoholani (w). Later, ,Aoa married John Von īseke and they had 'umikūmākolu kamali'i: Maria, Elizabeth (Kapuaakuni and MeKee), Theresa (Kapiko and Quin), John īsaacs (Lineoln), Joseph, Antone, Anna, Henry, Louis (Silva), Joseph Joachim (Cockett) Frank (Pereira), Charles and Katherine (Sing). The 'ohana would like to update all genealogy information, records of birth, marriages and death, photos, address, phone numbers and e-mail. For information, contact Conkling Kalokuokamaile MeKee Jr. at 808-734-6002, Jackie Kapiko at 808-235-8261, Colleen (MeKee) Tam Loo at 808-729-6882, Peter (Kapiko and Quinn) Machado at 808-689-0190, "Boss" (īseke) Sturla at 808-664-9795, Louie (īsaacs Iseke) Peterson at 808-216-9331 or Pauahi (Baldomero and Wegener) Kazunaga at 808-842-7021. The mo'opuna kuakahi would be very pleased to weleome anyone willing to participate in our monthly 'ohana reunion meetings. Contact Puanani (MeKee) Orton at 808-235-2226. KAH I Ll AU LAN l/LI N DS EY - Charles Notley Kahiliaulani and Fannie Leialoha Kaohumu Chesebro Lindsey Family Reunion, July 16,

2011, Ainahau 0 Waimea. Coordinators are Lyndell at lyndyl4@hawaii.rr.com and Robert at bob lindsey 80 8 @ gm ail . eom . KAMAKEEAINA - The first Kamakeeaina Reunion will be held July 15 and 16, 201 1 at Bucky Kamakeeaina's residence, 55-246A Kamehameha Highway, Laiemalo'o. The 15th will be a potluck get-together and the 16th will be a lū'au. For information, eall Lono Kamakeeaina @ 6275581, Aina Kamakeeaina @ 382-3230 or Pua Kamakeeaina @ 293-5006. T-shirt orders are now being taken. KAUPU - Na 'Ohana '0 Edward Kikino Kaupu is planning their Family Reunion for Aug. 19 and 20, 2011, in Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. We invite all descendants of Edward Kikino Kaupu (1868) and Miriam Makaehu Makaenaena (1871). Their 11 children are: Hannah Kaupu, Sam Kaanoi Kaupu (Louisa Kaanoi Kahananui), Robert Keanokealakahikikapoleikamakaopua Kaupu (Sarah Kanelii Kaleikulahalemanohaili Kamali), Emily Aukai Kaupu (Soong Young Lee), Harriet Kaupu, McKinley Kaleihiano Kaupu (Rebecca Kekai Puou), Victoria Kahalelaukoa Kaupu (GeorgeHanalei Kaualoku HanawahineSr.), Esther "Lua" Kaupu (Kwang Yo Min/Severino Domingo Sr.), Julia Kaupu (Wong Yuen), Hattie Kaupu (Julian Nabarro) and Helen Kaupu. Please email ekkaupu@yahoo.com if you have any questions or need more information or eall Aunty "V" @ (808) 328-2659. Check us out on FB, Na Ohana 0 Edward Kikino Kaupu. KUPONO/NAKUIHAAWEAWE - The Calling of the Lord - 1) Kaiama: a) Hainoa; Livia, Hekekia, Kamaka; b) Keao; e) Kaleo: Hattie Pupuka: Violet Lineoln; Margaret Lineoln; Henry Lineoln Wikala Lineoln: Anna Pupuka; Clarence Moku; Nelson Moku; Samuel Moku; d) Mele; ) Keone; 2) Kanehailua: a) Wahinekapu: Lolu; Kahilanui; Keola; Kuike; Kaulana; Hailua; ,Aona Kalopi; Emily; Keka; Lokalia; Samson; Kanahelua; Sam: b) Mikaele Kauinui; e) Mokihana Kanehailua: Leulu; Kahale; Kainui; Kamanu; Kauanoe; John Kalawa: John Kalawa Keawe; Samuel Kalawa; Mary Kalawa; Ella Kalawa; Elizabeth Kalawa; Theresa Kalawa; Johnson Kalawa; Florence Kalawa; Emma Kalawa; Harry Kalawa; 3) Kaukaliinea: a) Paiwa: 01ivia; Lilinoe: Kaluawai Kaukaliinea; Nani; Kumakahiwa; Kaleiaupuni; 01ivia; Joseph; Nahale; Mamae; Kauka: Nalei; Naea: Sam Kaimuloa; Lydia; Pika; Alii; Kona; b) Kalua: Kealii Kaninau; Wahinekapiula; Keawe-Hawaii; Pika; Namakaokalani; Kauahi; Mokuaikai; Kaniela; Lepeka; e) Lo'e: Kailipakalua Kaholi; Luahine; Kauokalani; Nalei; Luahine; Maluhiluhi; Kealii; Haili; Kaholi; Mele; Hakuole d) Kahalau; Sam Kahananui; Meleana Penikala; David Haleamau; Joseph Kahalehookahi: Alfred Kahananui: Samuel Kahananui; Eliza; Joseph; Alfred Kelii Jr.: Makaokalani; George Kinoulu; Kaholi; Mileka; Ana: Rose Wauke: Kahalau: Georgene; George; Joseph; Maria; Lunalilo; Joseph; Annie ,Aoa Purdy; William Kalani Purdy; Jobi Ulumaheihei: Tammi Texeira; Kulia; Harley; Desirae Purdy; Sheena; Alika; Jory Purdy; Kuakini, Ikua; Delphin Analani Alexander: Bronson Purdy; Shanon DeReis; Noah, Dallas; Myah: Ryan DeReis; Mary: Rosemary Boothby Eddie: Uilani; Edwina: Frederick; Edward; Asa; Jandy; Abraham: Leimomilani; Kalani; Nui Kane: Momi; Kopela; Hannah; Victoria; Paul; Anna, Verna, Kealapua; Meleana; Kelii; Kahau; e) Keoki: Kalua; Kawainui; Moke; Miliama; f) Kikaha: Kekumano; Kealoha g)

Nahuina; ,Aho; Kaika (h) Kamakee; ) Nahalea: Poai, Loe Annie; Kaninau; John Aloanu; Jam.es; Ben ,Amina; Charles Ai; Aliee Wahine; Rose Kapohiwa; Samuel Kahele; Daniel; Moses Ulaule; 4) Puleimoku: Nalei Nahale'a; Kaluna: Melia Haleamau; Louis: Agnes; Louis; James; Kamawae; Elia; Puou; Julian; Maraea; Uliana; Kaohiwaii; Kinoulu: Kupono; Elikapeka: Komela; Ana; Imoaole; Kaohiwaii Kupono and Kealoha: a) Kawahineahanui: Naeole; Kanoho; b) Kenoa; e) Nakaula. Call Annie Purdy at 261-0078 or Analani Alexander at 261-4140. LANDFORD - All descendants of Henry Newell Landford (1830-1908) will hold a family reunion and meeting of the Kahaupali Memorial Association at 1951 Baldwin Ave. (Sunnyside), Makawao, Maui, from Fri.-Sat., July 15-16, 2011. The Landford 'Ohana will gather at Sunnyside on Friday to update genealogy information, share family photos and share fellowship at a potluck dinner; and on Saturday to hold a memorial service at Kahaupali Cemetery where Henry and other kūpuna are buried, participate in the general membership meeting and enjoy a catered loeal meal with family provided entertainment. For information, contact Chuck Enomoto, cenomoto02@aol.com; Sister Roselani Enomoto, roselani.enomoto@gmail.com, (808) 244-8123; or Lawrence Enomoto, lawrence.enomoto@ gmail.com, (808) 685-1521. NAUMU - The descendants of John Punualii Naumu Sr. and Eva Agnes Carroll announee the Naumu Reunion 2011 Christmas Casino Night with the Naumus, Saturday, 17 Dec 2011, O'ahu Veterans Center, 1298 Kūkila St., Honolulu, Hawai'i 96818, 2-10 p.m. RSVP form applies. For information, email naumureunion2011@ hotmail.com. Find us on Facebook "Naumu Group'" or NaumuOhanaReunion2011@groups. facebook.com. SILLS - Samuel Kaualoku Ha'ae (b: 1845 Hookena), married Ka'aukai Kaluahini (b: 1844) daughter of Namakaokalani (b 1820-1924) and Helen Kaikilani Akau. Kaualoku and Ka'aukai had seven children inel. twins (b: Feb 2, 1871). Kupuna Kainoa (one twin); brother (name not known) was sent to Samoa. The youngest of the seven children was Ka'onohiokala Kaleiiliahi (b: Apr 1877), (m: (lst) Pang, Ah Yuk Kee), had one child (b: Aug 14, 1893); Mary Ah Lan Ka'aukai Pang (Puna); (m: Benjamin Taylor Sills Sr. of Shelburne, Indiana). They had 13 children (plus 3 stillborn); Margaret Kaleiiliahi (Ramsour), Thomas F. R. Kaualoku, BenjaminT. Kahui, Mary Ha'alo'u (Gregory), Agnes Keli'ikaluaomailani (Cordeiro), Josephine, John Samuel Kahananui, Frances Aliee Haikapu (Carrero), Eleanor Ko'onohiokala (Muller), Vincent Namakaokalani, Philip Na'i, Geraldine Edna Malanoi'i (Baugh), and Robert Eugene Keoni'i. Ka'onohiokala (m: (2nd) Samuel Kahananui from Maui), they had one child (b Apr 2, 1897), Anna Manailehua Kaluahini Kahananui. Anna married William Ah Among Sing Zen; they had eight children. The Sills 'Ohana is inviting all individuals and generations to the family reunion July 16, 2011. Contact Bili Girl Sills-Young at 682-5288 or email plumeriabili@yahoo.com - subj. Sills Ohana Reunion. ZABLAN - Hui 0 Zablan 2011 plans: ,AQnual Pienie Sat. 20 Aug 2011, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at Section 30, Magic īsland, Ala Moana Beach Park. Look for the Hui 0 Zablan sign. Bring a chair. Reunion