Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2011 — CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOTICE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The 'iole, Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans Keala Pono Archaeological Consulting has been contracted by Ku'iwalu Consulting to conduct a statewide Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the appropriate use of approved rodenticides for eonservation purposes. The CIA will be incorporated into the Progranunatic

Enviromnental Impact Statement for Using Rodenticides to Control and Eradicate Invasive Rodents and Mongooses in Hawai 'i for Conservation Purposes. Rodents have caused bird, manunal and plant species to be threatened and destroyed within fragile island ecosystems. However, we are sensitive that the Polynesian rat or 'iole has cultural significance and may even have lineal eonneetions as an 'aumakua. Infonnation is requested regarding cultural resources such as mo'olelo, 'ike, traditional practices and/or beliefs associated with the 'iole. We are also interested in infonnation about the devastation or impacts caused by rodents on native cultural practitioners ability to gather resources for traditional and customary practices. Please respond to Mina Elison, Keala Pono, minaelison@hotmail.com, (808) 2239979.