Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2011 — TRUSTEE ROBERT LINDSEY RECEIVES MĀM ALAHOA AWARD [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Hawai'i lsland Trustee Robert Lindsey was honored on his home island for his lifetime contributions to the Hawaiian community. On June 11, Kamehameha Day, the Royal Order of Kamehameha I Māmalahoa-East Hawai'i Chapter presented Lindsey with its highest award, the 201 1 Māmalahoa Award, whieh recognizes individuals exemplifying the order's mission to protect, preserve and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture, advocate for Hawaiian rights and benefits and uplift the Hawaiian people. Lindsey, a former social worker, Nahonal Park Ranger, State Representative and Director of Kamehameha Schools Land Assets Division-Hawai'i, abides by the belief that servant leadership is the greatest form of service. "Robert is guided by the principles that everything should be done with aloha and that where mueh is given mueh is expected. As such, Robert dedicates his free time to numerous boards and organizations that act to benefit our island community," the Royal Order said. Pictured from left are Ali'i 'Ai Moku Pua lshibashi, Trustee Lindsey and Ali'i No'eau Loa Paul Neves, at Mokuola in Hilo. - Photo: Courtesy ofPua lshibashi