Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2011 — Kaumakapili Church cele brates 100 th year [ARTICLE]
Kaumakapili Church cele brates 100 th year
Kaumakapili Church has been holding a series of events this summer to mark the Keone'ula Sanctuary's 100th Anniversary Celebration. On July 16, it will hold its 40th annual Benefit Lū'au from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kaumakapili Church, on the corner of King and Pālama streets in Honolulu. Also planned this summer are special Sunday worship services honoring past ministers and Hawaiian church choirs. Since its humhle beginnings in 1838, the church has served the Hawaiian community and beyond, and has expanded to include heahh services, human services programs
and worship services conducted in both Hawaiian language and English. The Protestant Church of Kaumakapili was dedicated in June 1911 and is the third structure built by the congregation. After a restoration effort in 2004 led by Mason Architects, the church was added to the national and state registers of historic places. For information, visit kaumakapili.org.
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