Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 July 2011 — Maui teen advocates in nation's capital [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Maui teen advocates in nation's capital

Ezra Kanahā, a 17-year old resident of Kahului, traveled to Washington, D.C., in the spring to lobby members of the U.S. Congress to support the Euniee Kennedy Shriver Act. This act provides critical funding for Special 01ympics, education and health programs for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kanahā, a Maui High School senior, never used to like going to school. He was often withdrawn from his peers

and even bullied at a young age. Kanahā discovered his passion for advocating for students with disabilities after attending Best Buddies Ambassador training at Indiana University last summer. "He learned to be an advocate for others," explains Miehael McCormick, State Director for Best Buddies Hawai'i. Kanahā, the first Native Hawaiian to serve as a Best Buddies Ambassador, credits his Hawaiian heritage and the inner strength it gave him to go out and fight for a good cause. "For me, being Hawaiian is about being compassionate, being proud and showing others that aloha spirit," he said. Kanahā also advocates locally and has spoken to thousands on Maui about the challenges facing youth with disabilities. When asked why he advocates for kids with disabilities, Kanahā explains: "I feel they are alone andjust want to be heard. I'd like to be a leader that shares their message to a greater audience. I speak from the heart. I have a disability so I know how they feel." "Ezra gives me inspiration to be a better person. I'm so proud of Ezra for not only overcoming challenges but for advocating for others with challenges," Kanahā's mother, Melvina, says with pride. ■ In recognition of our youth who make a positive difference in our community, eaeh month we will be featuring outstanding youth. Ifyou wouhl like to nominate a youth to be featured, please eall (808) 594-1811.

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By Joe Kūhiō Lewis OHA Youth Coordinator