Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
ADRIC - Alfred Joseph Adric and Eva LehuaApina Adric Kahale, (born Dec. 18, 1895, in Wailuku, Maui). Our fourth Adric 'Ohana reunion is in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 8-13, 2011. We continue to search for family members related to Eva, including the late Arthur Makolo of Papakōlea, William īda Makolo of Papakōlea, Manuel Llores (Ahoy) of 'Ālewa Heights, Red and Maoni Marrotte, John and Abbie Watkins, Annie and Emest Kia Naeole of Lahaina, Maui. The eight children of Joseph and Eva Adric are Adele Wills, Elizabeth Miyamasu, Valentine (Bobo) Adric, Alfred Adric, Eleanor Eli, Douglas Adric, Alexander Herman Adric, and Margaret (Nita) Markham. Families are encouraged to contact mahiegarza@hotmail.com or eall 808-478-4928. Our kūpuna have passed the torch to the next generation to bring all our families together. 'Ohana will get to meet those who we have not met and reunite with those we have. Also eheek out Facebook, ADRICOHANA@yahoo.com. AH LEONG/KAPAHUKEA/KALAMA/ KAUAHI/MOKULEHUA - After comparing genealogy notes and data, we have discovered that Kalama (wahine, b: 1840 in Kona) was married twice: lst m: John Ah Leong (kane, b: 1838) they had six children: *Juliana (w) m: Kepano Mokulehua; *Lulima (k); *Josephine (w) m: Joseph Kauahi; *Thomas (k) m: Mabel Pohina; *Kekui (w) and *Kalua (k). 2nd m: Kapahukea and they had three children: *Kapahuakea (k); *Kumuole(k) and *Keamalu (w). Henee, we would like to invite all the descendants from both marriages of Kalama to include the 'Ohana of Rose Ah Leong who was married to Henry Daniels (we are in the process of eonnecting this particular branch to our Family Tree). The 'Ohana Reunion (coordinated by Kimokelii@ aol.com) is set for July 14-16, 2011: Thursday (12-9 p.m.) *'0hana Tour at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Lā'ie, O'ahu; Friday (5-9pm) *'0hana Dinner/Show at Paradise Cove Lū'au in the Ko '01inaResort area, O'ahu; Saturday: 'Ohana Potluck Pienie Activity at Kapi'olani Regional Park in Waikīkī, O'ahu. Logistics: 1) Eaeh 3rd Generation Clan (grandchildren of Kalama) must contribute $500 to the Reunion Potluck Pienie due June 15 to treasurer Andrea Kailihiwa at kailihiwa001@hawaii.rr.com; 2) To visit our 'Ohana Reunion web site email Webmaster, Kikawaialae@ gmail.com; 3) Contact Ka Peters-Wong at kalungka@yahoo.com for Reunion T-shirt order forms (Adult M-XXXL=$15; Children T-Youth L=$10) due June 15; 4) Genealogy Books are produced by ī'okepa DeSantos, email anakala@hawaii.rr.com for data and photo submissions due June 15. Ah Leong, Kalama, Kapahukea and Kauahi 'Ohana members, contact ī'okepa at ahleong.kalama@ gmail.com. Mokulehua 'Ohana members, contact Nanai Oyamot atAlohabee@aol.com. AKANA/KA'ŌPŪIKI - The Akana 'Ohana will host a reunion July 2 and 3, 2011, in Kona on the Big īsland for the descendants of the children of Wong Sing Akana and Kailianu Ka'ōpūiki. The children are: Ami (Akana) Lee; Aiona Akana; Ah Yee Ka'ili (Akana) Keanini; Emma Meliaka (Akana) Machado; Esther Po'ohiwi (Akana) Todd; Joseph Kepa Akana; Rose Pi'ipi'i (Akana) Sayers; Martha Ho'okano (Akana) Smith; Rebecca Leilani Ah Choy (Akana) Tim Sing; William Ku'uleiaihue Ah Lei Akana; Poha Ah Tuck Akana aka Albert Ling Hing Lam; Harriet Ah Lin Ku'uleialoha (Akana Loo and Mary Nāwahine (Akana) Kealoha. For detailed information, join the Akana 'Ohana Yahoo group by registering at http://groups.yahoo. com/group/AkanaOhana/. Or, contact Leayne Trubell locally at 75-954 Hi'ona St., Hōlualoa, Hī 96725, via eell at (808) 333-6033 or e-mail leialo hall22@yahoo.com. Or, contact Miehael Akana on themainland at P.O. Box 3725, Half MoonBay, CA 94019, via eell at (650) 224-7541, home at (650) 712-0614 or e-mail at mike@akana.net.
AIPIA/KAHANANUI - A potluck family reunion is planned for July 2, 2011, Saturday, Kualoa Regional Beach Park, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The reunion is for the FAMĪLĪES OF: John Kelii Aipia, Meleana Penikala Kahananui Aipia, Esther Kaululehua Aipia Kahaialii, Samuel Pohaku Aipia, Nora Kauhane Aipia Kepano, Julie Nanikehau Aipia Davis, Joseph Kelii Aipia, Patrick Pia Aipia, Agnes Kapuninani Aipia Maikiki, Charles Nuhi Aipia, Kelii Kahananui Kapuoe, Mele Kahalau Kaukaliinea, Sam Kamuela Kahananui, David Haleamau Kahananui, Joseph Kahalehookahi Kahananui, Makaokalani Kahananui ,Ah Nau, George Kinoulu Kahaoanui, Kaholi Kahananui, Mileka Kahanaoui Manoanoa, Ana Kahananui Kane, Meleana Kahaoanui, Kelii Kahananui II, Kahau Kahananui Naeole, Joseph and Luka Swift, and īona Kaai. For information, eall: Kealoha Keama (h) 236-2088, (e) 227-6622, (w) 694-3818, (e-mail) ekeama@ aokcpas.com; June Pires (h) 262-7352, (e) 3066587 (e-mail) junealoha@hawaii.rr.com; Wolleha (Lehua) Baldomero (h) 839-1135; Leina'ala (Ala) Aipia (e) 561-0441; Merle Nanikehau Rodrigues (e) 258-0955; Kauhane Kahakua (h) 621-0924. AKIONA/PAPANUI - The Akiona-Papanui descendants will host their first family reunion Aug. 18-21, 201 1, Thurs.-Sun. in Hilo, Hawai'i. We invite all descendants of Sarah Pi'ikea Papanui and Kam Sheong ,Akiona from South Kona, Hawai'i. Their 13 known children are: Rose Kalei'eha Akiona (Thor Morck), Benjamin Kalani Akiona (Helen Kalaluhi), William Kalani Akiona (-Amoe Wong), Holbin Holoae,Akiona (Erminda Medeiros), George Papanui Akiona, Nani Kaluahine ,Akiona (Leroy Kay), Katherine Kaili'eha ,Akiona, Charles Kuhaupi'o Akiona (īrene Kupihea), Albert Awana Akiona (Emma Molaka Ka'ai), Edward Akiona, Arthur Ka'aonohi ,Akiona (Daisy Haina), Roseline ,Akiona (John Goodwin), īrene Alun ,Akiona (Thomas Kaleo). For reunion information, visit our blog at www.akionapapanui.blogspot.com or contact reunion chairman Mieah Kamohoalii at Mieahkamoho alii @ gm ail. eom . ALAPA - The descendants of 01iva and Emily Alapa will be holding its hiannual reunion June 16-19, 2011, in Checotah, Oklahoma. The theme of the reunion is "Country Style Aloha." The Jacobs 'Ohana will be hosting the reunion on their ranch with western-themed activities. Cost per adult is $35 and $20 per school-age children, with the maximum of $140 per household. īf you have any questions, contact Waddy Jacobs at (918) 473-5757 / 441-0299, email: Lerjc4@aol.com; or Linette Hunter (503) 342-8700 / 331-3101, email: alapa58 @msn.com. CHO - The descendants of Sin Kun and Anela Kelekolio Cho will be holding a family reunion July 2-4, 2011, in Honaunau, Hawai'i. If you have any questions or want to update family information, contact Courtney Cho at peleiahi@gmail. eom. For information visit http://members.tripod. com/cho_ohana. DUDOIT - The descendants of Charles Victor Abraham Dudoit and Margaret (Maggie) Makai Nawahine are holding a family reunion Aug. 6 and 7, 2011, at Wailua (Manai) Moloka'i property where there children were born and raised. īf you have any questions or would like to attend, email joanndudoit@yahoo.com or eall 723-1893. GOO TONG AKUNA - The descendants of Goo Tong Akuna/Puakailima Kaholokula and Goo Tong ,Akuna/Chang Shee (aka Chang Oe) will have their seventh family reunion on Maui Aug. 12, 13, and 14, 201 1, at the Hannihal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. All descendants of Ah Ki Akuna, Apiu ,Akuna, Ah Chuck ,Akuna, Mary ,Ah Pin ChungLeong, Hannah ,Ah Han Ah Fong, Mabel ,Ah Lan Alana Wallaee, Jack Pun San ,Akuna, Henrietta ,Ah Hong Apo, Malia Maria Naehu, Edward K. Akuna, Agnes Neki īgarta, Lawrence Goo, Yeh Wah Goo,
Sing Kum Goo, Sim Goo, and Choy Goo are invited to attend. Monthly meetings are being held to plan and coordinate the festivities. Everyone is invited to attend; any suggestions or comments to help make this reunion a success are welcomed. To volunteer entertainment, sing karaoke, speak on cultural history or family history please contact us. We will have an "open mike" night on Friday, Aug. 12. We would like to record any oral history from our kūpuna. Anyone with video expertise or video equipment that would like to help, please contact us. This video and our slideshow will be available on CD. Join our Facebook page (GooTongAkunaReunion) and visit our web site (www.gootongakunareunion. eom) for information and updates. Contact Blair or Patti Kitkowski at blairk808@yahoo.com. Phone (808) 877-4200 or eell (808) 264-0669. Our mailing address is 122 īhea St., Pukalani, Maui, Hī 96768. KA'AUHAUKANE - Na Lala 0 Ana Lum aukah i li ' ow ah inek apu K a ' auhauk ane will celebrate our seventh 'ohana ho'olaule'a and pā'ina Aug. 21, 2011, at KEY Project in Kahalu'u on O'ahu island. Ana's makuakāne was Kamokulehua'opanaewa Ka'auhaukane (k) and makuahine was Pailaka Ho'ohua (w). Ana was born March 3, 1845, in Ka'auhuhu, North Kohala, on Hawai'i īsland. Her date of death is Jan. 30, 1917. Her kaikua'ana was Kealohapauole Kalaluhi Ka'auhaukane (w). Ana first married Joseph Kaiamakini Kanoholani (k). They had 'ekolu kamali'i: Joseph Kaiamakini Kanoholani (k), Makini Kanoholani (k) and Mary Kaiamakini Kanoholani (w). Later, ,Aoa married John Von īseke and they had 'umikūmākolu kamali'i: Maria, Elizabeth (Kapuaakuni and MeKee), Theresa (Kapiko and Quin), John īsaacs (Lineoln), Joseph, Antone, Anna, Henry, Louis (Silva), Joseph Joachim (Cockett) Frank (Pereira), Charles and Katherine (Sing). The 'ohana would like to update all genealogy information, records of birth, marriages and death, photos, address, phone numbers and e-mail. For information, contact Conkling Kalokuokamaile MeKee Jr. at 808-734-6002, Jackie Kapiko at 808-235-8261, Colleen (MeKee) Tam Loo at 808-729-6882, Peter (Kapiko and Quinn) Machado at 808-689-0190, "Boss" (Iseke) Sturla at 808-664-9795, Louie (Isaacs īseke) Peterson at 808-216-9331 or Pauahi (Baldomero and Wegener) Kazunaga at 808-842-7021. The mo'opuna kuakahi would be very pleased to weleome anyone willing to participate in our monthly 'ohana reunion meetings. Contact Puanani (MeKee) Orton at 808-235-2226. KAAWA/HAUPU/KAHALEUAHI/PIO - The descendants of Kaawa, Haupu, Kahaleuahi and Pio from Kaupō, Hāna, Maui, are planning a family reunion on the island of Maui. The reunion will be held at the Papakalu Homestead eommunity (park) center on July 2, 2011. Hawaiian food will be served. Family members attending are asked to bring dessert for the pā'ina. For information, eall or email: Lei Colins, (808) 2163182 or tutuzbabz2002@yahoo.com; Jody Opunui, (808) 227-4497 or draco96792@yahoo.com; Linda Duvauchelle, (808) 282-1373; or Gabriel Kaawa, (808) 728-5938. KAINA - We are planning our first annual Cousins Reunion on Maui in Lahaina on July 3 and 4. We are the descendants of The Late Peter Manu K-AĪNA Sr. All cousins out there, we need your address and phone number to contact you for the upcoming event. Email your info to: kainacuzn@ ymail.com attn: cuzn Darlene (K,AĪNA) Kupahu or Noel Kahea (K-AĪNA) Souza. Looking forward to hearing from all of our cousins. KALEHUAWEHE - The descendants of Napoka Kalehuawehe and Ke'elehiwa Ulukua (1853), son and daughter-in-law of John Nalaniewalu Kalehuawehe Napoka and Haupu Ukukua (18291893), all of Honua'ula, Palauea Uka, 'Ulupalakua, Maui, are planning their sixth reunion at the Hale Nanea Clubhouse in Kahului July 1-3, 2011. They
had six (e) 1) John Nalaniewalu Kalehuawehe īī m Aulani Dart 1872-1923, their children: Lillian K. Medeiros, Eliza K. Seabury (lst) marriage, (2nd) H.K. Chun-ling and William J. Keone Kalehuawehe. 2) John ī. Kalehuawehe 1873-1941 m Mary Aliona aka Aleong Kanahele a widow, their children: John ī. Kalehuawehe Jr., Jacob Kalehua Kalehuawehe, Mary Malia K. Feliciano, Eva K. Kuloloia, Elizabeth K. Kekahuna, Lillian M.K. Domingo, Agnes K. Kahoekapu, Edith K. Gomes (hānai siblings) Leialoha Kanahele, lst marriage S. Sakamoto, 2nd H.S. Huckso and Mary Kanahele Gomes. 3) Malia Kalehuawehe 18831944 m Joseph Achong ,Akanako, their children: Mary K. Harvest, and A'ana A. Tavares. 4) Lillian Kalehuawehe 1885 m Arthur Allen, their sibling -Ailhm- Allen Jr. 5) David Kane 1867 m Emma Walsh N/ī. 6) John Kalehuawehe 1878 m Kaina Pio N/ī. For reunion information, eall or email Edi Sanchez (808) 357-7938, esanchez001@hawaii. rr.com or April īnano (808) 357-6670, aprili0909@ aol.com. For registration eall, mail or email information to Shauna Gomes-Kalehuawehe (808) 3578767; 42 Hoolahou St., Wailuku, Hī 96793; hoolahou42maui@gmail.com. KAMAKEEAINA - The first Kamakeeaina reunion will be held July 15 and 16 at Bucky Kamakeeaina's residence, 55-246A Kamehameha Highway, Laiemalo'o. The 15th will be a potluek and the 16th will be a lū'au. For information, eall Lono Kamakeeaina @ 627-5581, Aina Kamakeeaina @ 382-3230 or Pua Kamakeeaina @ 293-5006. T-shirt orders are now being taken. KAWAAUHAU - The descendants of the K,AWA,AUHAU brothers and their wives - Daniel and wife Alikapeka K,ALĪUNA and their 13 ehildren: Wahinenui, Pahio, Kahalepo Pahio, Keliikuli, Kahanapule, Kapeliela, Kaleikauea, Kaulahao, Paulo, Makia, Kekumu, Kauka and Haaheo. Philip and wife Kahele K,A,AĪWAĪU and their two sons: Henry Hart and James. John and wifeWAĪWAĪOLE and their three children: ,Anna, Keliihelela and Auliana - are having a family reunion July 1-3, 201 1, at Pāpōhaku Beach Park, on Moloka'i. Please contact us and update your mailing and e-mail addresses and genealogy information to: Kloh,Anne KAWAAUHAU-DRUMMONDO, P.O. Box 1492, Kamuela, Hī 96743; eell 987-3042 or e-mail kmdkau49@yahoo.com; or Diana K,AW,A,AUHAUTERUKINA, P.O. Box 1496, Kamuela, Hī 96743, phone 885-7483 or e-mail dteiukina@gmail.com. LANDFORD - All descendants of Henry Newell Landford (1830-1908) will hold a family reunion and meeting of the Kahaupali Memorial Association at 1951 Baldwin Ave. (Sunnyside), Makawao, Maui, from Fri.-Sat., July 15-16, 2011. The Landford 'Ohana will gather at Sunnyside on Friday to update genealogy information, share family photos and share fellowship at a potluck dinner; and on Saturday to hold a memorial service at Kahaupali Cemetery where Henry and other kūpuna are buried, participate in the general membership meeting and enjoy a catered loeal meal with family provided entertainment. For information, contact Chuck Enomoto, cenomoto02@ aol.com; Sister Roselani Enomoto, roselani.enomoto@gmail.com, (808) 244-8123; or Lawrence Enomoto, lawrence.enomoto@gmail.com, (808) 685-1521. PURDY/NAPUUPAHEE - Ikua Purdy & M argaret Keala Napuupahee: The Calling of the Lord - (l)William Ulumaheihei Purdy: (a)Ann Hiiaka: Walter Ritte; Albion Laulani; Scalette Loyola; Carla Leolani; Ella Luana; Laurie Leimamo; (b) William Ulumaheihei Jr.: William Kalani Purdy; Jobi Ulumaheihei: Tammi Texeira; Kulia; Harley; Jory; Kuakini; Ikua; Delphin Analani Alexander: Bronson Purdy; Shanon DeReis; Noah; Dallas, Myah; Ryan De Reis; (c)Samuel (d)Benjamin Isaia (e)Beatrice: Karen Kaiaokamalie; Leonie Noelani; Alvin Ainoa; Russell Nohea; Kevin
Mahealani; Mihon Kekealani (f)Margaret Keala; Venus Kaohulani Shaw; George Palenapa; Janice Ke'ehukai; William Ka'ae; Charles Ulumaheihei; Benjamin Isaia; Pamela Leolani (g)James Harry; James Luma; Lorelei; Harry; William Ulumaheihei (h)Bernice Kuemanu; Wayne Alan Higa; Judy; Kathyrn; Maureen; Joann; Jason; Martina Wirtl (i) Robert Waipa; Ella Wailani; Helen Pualani; Robert Waipa Jr. (j),Andrew ,Anakalea; ,Andrea Puanani; Laurie Mauilani; Louise Keala; Adrienne Lealoha; Andrew ,Ankalea; Jonathan Keoki (k)Harriet Keaonaona; Melodi Fukuoka; Kazuo; Anthony; Sonny (1) Palmer Ulumaheihei; Parrish Aleka Purdy (2)George Kauhi; (a)George Kauhi Jr; George III; Wayne; Dianne; Christine; Judy; Rick; Alex; (b) Ikua Kauhi; Eric; Thomas; Nathan; Colleen; (e) Pualani; (d)Kane; Harold; Allen; Myron; Byron; Todd; (e)Parker; Don; Estell; Joy; Clint; Guy; (f) Solomon; Raynell; Darnell; Stallone; (3)Hattie Leilehua; (a)Sandy Bell;Sandrea; (b)George; (e) Winifred; (d)Thelma; RoseMarie Gonzales; Jerry; Lambert; Darryl; Lynette; (4)Nellie; (a)Mamie Kahaunani Kahai; (5) Anna Hiiaka (6)Wallace Haiulu (7)Margaret; (a)Andrew ,Anakalea (8) George; (a)George Purdy Jr.; (b) Pearl Gom.es; Dewey; Charmaine; Desirae; Tanya; Allen; Mitchell; (c)Eva Aipa; Ivy Aipa; Shirley Aipa; Edwina; Levardis Kahoonei; Virgi; Venus; Ronnie; (d)Eric; (e)Ginger; (f)Kimo; Miehael; Lesley; Shelly; Jonah (9)Daniel; Keala; Daniel; Mary; Miehael; Ned; Ralph; (10)Harry Kahuku; Harry; Vivia; Manase; Leroy; Sarah; Holly; Paul; Yvette; Annette; (ll)Martin; Frances; Martin; Eleanor; Leslie; (12)Cecilia Kalili; Cecilia Leinaala; Jam.es Kuulei; Virginia Kali; Paul Mokihana; Ethel Kaniu; ,Arthur Powell; Llewellyn Swift. Call ,Annie Purdy at 261-0078 or Analani Alexander at 261-4140. SILLS - Samuel Kaualoku Ha'ae (b; 1845 Hookena), married Ka'aukai Kaluahini (b; 1844) daughter of Namakaokalani (b 1820-1924) and Helen Kaikilani ,Akau. Kaualoku and Ka'aukai had seven children inel. twins (b; Feb 2, 1871). Kupuna Kainoa (one twin); brother (name not known) was sent to Samoa. The youngest of the seven children was Ka'onohiokala Kaleiiliahi (b; Apr 1877), (m; (lst) Pang, ,Ah Yuk Kee), had one child (b; Aug 14, 1893); Mary Ah Lan Ka'aukai Pang (Puna); (m; Benjamin Taylor Sills Sr. of Shelburne, Indiana). They had 13 children (plus 3 stillborn); Margaret Kaleiiliahi (Ramsour), Thomas F. R. Kaualoku, Benjamin T. Kahui, Mary Ha'alo'u (Gregory), Agnes Keli'ikaluaomailani (Cordeiro), Josephine, John Samuel Kahananui, Frances Aliee Haikapu (Carrero), Eleanor Ko'onohiokala(Muller), Vincent Namakaokalani, Philip Na'i, Geraldine Edna Malanoi'i (Baugh), and Robert Eugene Keoni'i. Ka'onohiokala (m; (2nd) Samuel Kahananui from Maui), they had one child (b Apr 2, 1897), Anna Manailehua Kaluahini Kahananui. ,Anna married William ,Ah Among Sing Zen; they had eight ehildren. The Sills 'Ohana is inviting all individuals and generations to the family reunion July 16, 2011. Contact Bili Girl Sills-Young at 682-5288 or email plumeriabili@yahoo.com - subj. Sills Ohana Reunion. ZABLAN - Hui O Zablan 2011 plans; -Annual Pienie Sat. 20 Aug 2011, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at Section 30, Magic Island, Ala Moana Beach Park. Look for the Hui O Zablan sign. Bring a chair. Reunion Luneheon Sat. 5 Nov 2011, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Tree Tops Restaurant at Paradise Park, Mānoa Valley, Honolulu. Questions on the events? Call Auntie Leatrice Zablan, 734-4779. Cousin Kimi, 3411732 is taking orders or questions about the new Zablan goldenrod shirt. The deep red Hawaiian shirt design again features Cousin Kimo Zablan's art work. Cousin Tammy Correa Beaumont is producing the shirts at a very reasonable price. Shirts will be available for piek up at the Zablan Pienie. Call Susan Victor, 988-1272, if you have any late additions to Family Album. ■
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