Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 June 2011 — LEGISLATIVE WRAP UP: State Recognition bill passes! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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LEGISLATIVE WRAP UP: State Recognition bill passes!

/A no'ai kakou ... Congratulations to /\ the Native Hawaiian Caucus for all of their hard work in getting /^^^ the State Recogni- / \tion bill, SB 1520,

passed. As one of OHA's Legislative Liaisons, I worked closely with Senators Malania Solomon, Clayton Hee and Brickwood Galuteria. Also, a special mahalo to Representative Faye Hanohano for her tireless effort to pass SB 1520 over on the House side. SB 1520 establishes a new law that recognizes Native Hawaiians as theonly indigenous, aboriginal, maoli people of Hawaii. It also establishes a process for Native

Hawaiians to organize themselves as a step in the continuing development of a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity and, ultimately, the federal recognition of Native Hawaiians. SB 1520 requires that: • A five-member Native Hawaiian Roll Coimnission be established and housed within OH A for administrative purposes . The Connnission will then prepare and maintain a roll of "quahfied Native Hawaiians," whieh includes individuals (18 years or older) who are a descendant of Hawaii's aboriginal peoples prior to 1778 or is a direct lineal descendant of an individual who was eligible in 1921 for the programs authorized by the Hawaiian Homes Connnission Act. • The Governor, within 180 days of the effective date, appoints the members of the Commission from nominations submitted by qualified Native Hawaiian membership organizations. To qualify, a Native Hawaiian organization must have been working for the bettennent of the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people for at least 10 years; • Four members of the five-member Connnission must reside in the four counties, with one member to serve atlarge; • The Commission must publish the roll to facilitate commencement of a convention for the purpose of organization; • The Governor will dissolve the commission after publication of the roll;

In addition, SB 1520 clarifies that: • The bill shall not diminish rights or privileges enjoyed by Native Hawaiians; • Nothing in the new law is intended to serve as a settlement of any claims or affect the rights of Native Hawaiian people under state, federal or international law; • The Hawaiian Homes Coimnission Act of 1920 shall be amended, subject to approval by Congress, if necessary, to accomplish the purposes set forth in this Act; • OHA will provide funding for the Coimnission;

• The Coimnission, in cooperation with OH A, will report to the Governor and the Legislature prior to the regular session of 2012 on the status of the preparation of the roll, related expenditures, and concerns or recoimnendations; and • OHA is urged to work with the Coimnission by utilizing the current Kau Inoa Native Hawaiian registration list, with the approval of the individual registrants, to support the Coimnission's purpose of preparing and maintaining a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians. This process will be voluntary. Hawaiians may opt out of the process if they wish. More details will be available onee the Coimnission has been established. I encourage all those who signed up for the Kau Inoa to take this opportunity to participate in shaping a positive future for the Native Hawaiian people. Unlike past attempts to organize, this effort has the blessing of the State of Hawaii and the full financial and administrative support of OHA. Let's all get involved with this important effort now, and let us agree to disagree if we choose and wait to work out our differences in the C onstitutional C onvention . Also, a special Mahalo to Senator Akaka who is working diligently to pass the Akaka bill before he leaves office. AlohaKeAkua. ■ Interested in Hawaiian issues and OHA? PIease visit my web site at www.mwenaakana. org for more information or email me at rowenaa@oha.org.

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