Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — Waimea Valley calls out to artisans [ARTICLE]
Waimea Valley calls out to artisans
Waimea Valley invites Native Hawaiian, North Shore and island artists and producers of locally made products to showcase their goods at the Valley's Ku'ono Waiwai
gift shop. Ku'ono Waiwai will schedule appointments for art and products to be reviewed for consideration for display in the store. For an appointment, eall Gail Cabalce, store supervisor, at (808) 638-7766 or emafi GCabalce@ waimeavalley.net. Artists should bring samples and information about their products. Waimea Valley also offers a workshop area and a number of outdoor venues where artists and practitioners will have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents weekly in the Valley. Waimea Valley, at 59-864 Kamehameha Highway across from Waimea Bay, is a hving pu'uhonua, a plaee of peaee and safety, for Hawai'i and the world and one of 0'ahu's last partially intact ahupua'a. Waimea is significant in the history of Hawai'i and a repository for Hawaiian spirituality and traditions. The l,800-acre valley offers an authentic cultural window into the lifestyle and customs of the Hawaiian people through daily programs and activities. For infonnation, visit waimeavalley.net or eall (808) 638-7766. ■