Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — SUMMER AT THE AQUARIUM [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Summer is the perfect time for the whole family to enjoy the Waiklkl Aquarium with relaxing eoncerts under the stars and exciting daytime oeean ' exploration! Discounts apply for Friends of Waikīkī Aquarium members. Call (808) 923-9741 or visit waquarium.org. Every other Thurs., June 16, 30; July 14, 28; and Aug. 11,7 p.m. Evening concerts feature loeal entertainers Jake Shimabukuro, Olomana, Amy Hanaiali'i, Nā Palapalai & Mailani, and the Brothers Cazimero on the aquariumlawn (listed in order of concert date). Doors open at 5:30 p.m., aquarium galleries are open during the event. Bring low sand chairs or heaeh mats. $15$45, children under 6 are free. Tickets, (808) 550-8457 or honoluluboxoffice.com.

Tues., June 7, July 5, Aug. 2, 6-8 p.m. Visit the galleries at night to see what the sea life is up to when the sun starts to go down. Eaeh evening offers a different educational theme relating to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. $7 adults, $4 keiki. Registration required. Wed., July 13, Kewalo Fri., July 15 and Sun. July 31, Makapu 'u Times vary Spend a morning discovering sea slugs, collector crabs, brittle stars, spaghetti worms, ghost shrimps and other interesting creatures that the tide reveals. Explore shoreline, reef flat and tide pool habitats. Transportation not provided. For keiki 5 and up with an accompanying adult. $15 adults, $10 keiki. Registration required.
