Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — Iune [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


KAMEHAMEHA DAY FESTIVITIES On Dec. 22, 1871, King Kamehameha V proclaimed June 1 1 would forevermore be known as Kamehameha Day to not only honor his grandfather, but the father of a nation. To honor his contributions to Hawai'i, special celebrations will occur across the state. For general information for all islands, eall (808) 586-0333, email kkcc@hawaii.gov or visit hawaii.gov/ dags/Kamehameha. O'AHU LEI-DRAPING CEREMONY Fri., June 10, 3:30 p.m. The King Kamehameha statue fronting Ali'iōlani Hale will be draped in lengthy strands of lei in a ceremony including cultural presentations and musical performances. To donate loose plumeria, drop them off at the 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu tent from 6-10 a.m. next to the statue.

KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION FLORAL PARADE Sat, June 11,9 a.m. KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION HO'OLAULE'A 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The 95th annual parade (broadcast live on K5 and online) themed "Wahine Holo Lio," honoring the nohle tradition of pā'ū riding, begins at 'Iolani Palaee, winds through the heart of Waiklkl and ends at Kapi'olani Park, where a ho'olaule'a offers food and craft booths, exhibitors and awarding-winning entertainment. HAWAI'I ISLAND Hilo LEI-DRAPING CEREMONY Fri., June 10, 5 p.m. The ceremony will take plaee at the Bayfront King Kamehameha statue on Kamehameha Highway. Anyone wishing to donate lei may drop them off at that time at the statue. (808) 981-5101.

KAMEHAMEHA FESTIVAL Sat, June 11, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

This Hilo celebration, proudly sponsored by OHA, features traditional Hawaiian music, hula, cultural presentations, Ha'a Koa Hō'ike (Warrior Dance Exhibition), Oli Hō'ike (Chant Exhibition), Ho'okūkū Pū (Seashell Blowing Contest), 'ono food and Hawai'imade arts and craft vendors. Mokuola (Coconut Island). Free. This aleohol- and tobacco-free event is presented by the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, Māmalahoa. (808) 989-4844 or kamehamehafestival.org. Kailua-Kona KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION PARADE & HO'OLAULE'A Sat, June 11, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Themed "Wahine Holo Lio," the parade abounds with more than 100 riders on horseback, floats, a horse-drawn carriage, marching bands and hālau hula. All eight Hawaiian

islands will be represented by pā'ū equestrian units showcasing the islands' colors and flora. Parade begins near Royal Kona and ends near the West Hawai'i Today building. A 10:30 a.m. ho'olaule'a follows at Swing Zone with cultural workshops, vendors, food, exhibits, hula andlive performances. Free. (808) 3229944 or kamehamehaevent.org. Kohala LEI-DRAPING CEREMONY Sat, June 11, 8-9 a.m. FLORAL PARADE 9-10 a.m. Kohala, the birthplace of the King, hosts a lei-draping ceremony at the King Kamehameha statue in Kapa'au. The floral parade runs from Kohala High School to Kamehameha Park. Cicely Ho 'opai, ( 808) 884-5 1 68 or hoopai9 1 1 @msn.com.


PĀ'Ū PARADE & HO'OLAULE'A Sat., June 18, 9 t a.m.-5 p.m.

Festivities, sponsored in part by OHA, begin at Kamehameha

P? * Iki Park. The 9:45 J a.m. parade runs along Kenui, Front and Shaw streets. A ho'okupu ceremony follows at Moku'ula Ahu, with exhibits and tours

by Friends of Moku'ula, Hui O Wa'a Kaulua, The Royal Guard and Lahaina Restoration Foundation, makahiki games with Kula Kaiapuni ma Nahienaena, a pā'ū and parade entry awards presentation, food booths, Maui-made crafts and entertainment. Free. (808) 264-8779. KAUA'I KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION PARADE & HO'OLAULE'A Sat, June 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Kaua'i's parade winds its way from Vidinha Stadiumto the Historic Kaua'i County Building grounds. A ho'olaule'a on the grounds offers food booths, craft vendors, cultural demonstrations and entertainment. Expect road closures 9:30-11:30 a.m. on Ho'olako, Rice and Eiwa streets, and nearby areas. Free. George Thronas Jr., (808) 65 1-6419 or kame hamehakauai.commission@gmail.com. ■


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AB0VE: Honolulu firefighters honor Kamehameha I wilh lei. - Courtesy photo. AT RIGHT: O'ahu Princess Anela Haina rides in the Kamehameha parade on Maui. - Courtesy photo by Jordan Moore