Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — OHA launches Granting for Results [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA launches Granting for Results

Prosram reflects new focus on Stratesic Results

By Quentin Flores Office of Hawaiian Affairs' 2010-2016 Strategic Plan serves as a blueprint for a new way of doing business. It provides a framework for transforming OHA into a streamlined performance-based organization.

As such, we are proud to announee Granting for Results, a program that represents the new focus for grant funding. This is a change from our traditional eommunity grants program. Under Granting for Results, money will be awarded to programs that directly align with one of the 10 Strategic Results for improving conditions of Native Hawaiians. Starting in fiscal year 2012, OHA's resources will be eommitted to programs and activities that lead to systemic change and maximize the impact to Native Hawaiians. Granting for Results focuses on OHA's 10 Strategic Results, encourages initiatives that lead to systemic change, and institutes performance-based cri-

teria to measure effectiveness of the specific results for measureable improvement. Here are the fiscal year 2012 grant categories: » KAUHALE Grants up to $25,000 to fund proposals that directly impact any one of OHA's 10 Strategic Results. Funding is available for a single year only, and applicants ean have only one open OHA Granting for Results award any time. Applicants must be an Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt nonprofit or government agency, and are required to provide matching funds of a minimum of 25 percent of total project costs. Proposals are accepted onee a year. Organizations acting as fiscal sponsors will be considered. » KAIĀULU Grants up to $100,000 to fund proposals that directly impact any one or more of OHA's 10 Strategic Results. Funding is available

for a single year only, and applicants ean have only one open OHA Granting for Results award at a time. Applicants must be an Internal Revenue Service taxexempt nonprofit or government agency with a minimum of two years of relevant organizational experience and are required to provide matching funds of a minimum of 50 percent of total project costs. Proposals are accepted onee a year. Organizations acting as fiscal sponsors will NOT be eonsidered. » KAMOKU Grants (formerly known as CBED) up to $50,000 to fundproposals that directly impact OHA's Strategic Result of Increasing Family ineome for Native Hawaiians. Funding is available for a single year only, and applicants ean have only one open Granting for Results award any time. Applicants must be an Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt nonprofit or government agency, and

are required to provide matching funds of a minimum of 25 percent of total project costs. Proposals are accepted onee a year. Organizations acting as fiscal sponsors will be considered. » 'AHAHUI Funding up to $25,000 to fund community events that support one of OHA's 10 Strategic Results, while providing recognition benefits to OHA. Applicants must be an IRS tax-exempt nonprofit or government agency, and all requests need to be made by completing a short application. Applications are accepted two times a year. Requests up to $10,000 require the event to be free of charge and open to the Hawaiian community. Applicants are required to provide matching funds of a minimum of 10 percent of total event costs. Requests between $10,001 and $25,000 require applicants to provide matching funds of a minimum of 25 percent of total event costs. ■

GENERAL C0NDITI0NS FŪR ALL GRANTS: • An application must be submitted • Funding available fora singleyearonly • Any previous OHA grants must be closed priorto application deadline • Matching funds must be provided • Attendance at one of 0HA's Grants Program workshops is mandatory priorto submitting an application (Except 'Ahahui)


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0HA's 201 0-201 6 Strategic Plan serves as a blueprint for a new way of doing business. It provides a framework for transforming OHA into a streamlined performance-based organization. - Photo: Thinkstock