Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 June 2011 — MEDAL of HONOR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Col. Kendall J. Fielder, Chief of Stoff of the Pacific Army Command, presents the Distinguished Service Cross honoring Pfc. Anthony Kaho'ohanohano to the honoree's mother, Virginia Kaho'ohanohano, in March 1952 at Wells Park in Wailuku. Attending the ceremony were the honoree's brothers, all Hawai'i Nahonal Guard members, from left, David, Able and Joseph Kaho'ohanohano. - Photo: Courtesy of the Kaho'ohanohano family
About 20 members of the Kaho'ohanohano family attended the May 2 ceremony at the White House. Kneeling at center is U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, who inserted language into a 2009 bill enabling an upgrade from Distinguished Service Cross to the Medal of Honor for Pfc. Anthony Kaho'ohanohano. - Photo: Courtesy ofJesse Broder I /an Dyke
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