Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 6, 1 Iune 2011 — OHA awards $4.3 million to improve Native Hawaiian lives [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA awards $4.3 million to improve Native Hawaiian lives
The Board ofTrustees for the Office of Hawaiian Ajfairs recently awarded $4.3 million to 12 community-based organizations providing a variety of services critical to carrying out priorities in OHA's Strategic Planfor improving educa-
tion, reducing heahh threats and raisingfamūy ineome levels among Native Hawaiians. Here is a look at three ofthe programs working to make a difference in the Hawaiian community.
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Youth participate in Hui Mālama 0 Ke Kai's 201 1 orientation eamp. - Photo: Courtesy of Hui Mālama 0 Ke Kai