Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 5, 1 May 2011 — SENATOR AKAKA'S STAFF DIRECTOR FOR INDIAN AFFAIRS VISITS OHA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ln Honolulu in April, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees greeted Loretta īuell, who was recently appointed by U.S. Sen. ūaniel Akaka as Staff Director of the Senate lndian Affairs Committee. Raised on the Nez Perce reservation in north eentral ldaho, īuell previously served on the lndian Affairs Committee as Counsel to former Chairman Sen. Daniel lnouye and is a former partner at Anderson īuell LLP, an American lndianowned law firm in Washington, D.C. īuell has extensive experience with the U.S. lnterior Department, including serving as Co-Chair of the Joint Federal-Tribal Task Force in the development of the Bureau of lndian Affairs' Consultation Policy, and was an appointee to the Federal Task force for Native Hawaiians. Pictured from left are OHA Chairperson Colette Machado, Trustees Boyd Mossman and Haunani Apoliona, Loretta Tuell, and Trustees John Waihe'e IV and Rowena Akana. - Photo: Garett Kamemoto ■