Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 5, 1 Mei 2011 — GRANTS [ARTICLE]
Continued from page 7 and learning the Hawaiian way through doing. Kohe Malamalama O Kanaloa / Protect Kaho'olawe Fund - $25,000 in support of training opportunities on the island of Kaho'olawe for eultural stewardship of natural resources using an ahupua'a-management approach; developing a section of a round-the-island Ala Loa (trail) on Kaho'olawe; constructing a mua (monument) to be dedicated Oct. 22, 2011, for the 20th anniversary of the stopping the bombing of Kaho'olawe. Wai'anae Coast Early Childhood Services - $25,000 in support of the Preschool Scholarship Project to provide an enriching learning environment and opportunities to children on the Wai'anae Coast so they ean increase their chances for successful academic achievement in secondary education. The Trust for Puhlie Land - $25,000 in support of a project staff position dedicated to the protection of lands important to Hawaiian communities. Kīhei Canoe Club - $24,925 in support of the Mauka to Makai Program, a 10-monthprogramfor school-age Maui youth to learn more about cultural stewardship practices and gain opportunities to interact with both the land and the sea from the Native Hawaiian perspective. KHM Inlemalional dba Ka Honua Momona Inlemalional - $25,000 in support of a project that will interview and audio record 20 kūpuna of Moloka'i to gather their stories and 'ike about history of Moloka'i and the community, their values and traditions. The material will be transcribed, indexed and used to strengthen youth identity and well-being.
'Aha Punana Leo ine. - $6,683.94 on behalf of Ke Kula 'o Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u Iki LPCS to support the teaching of 26 Native Hawaiian students about ali'i and Hawaiian leaders of the past, namely Pai'ea Kamehameha, Lili'uokalani and Joseph Nāwahī, the qualities that made them great leaders and the service they provided to their people. They will learn about leadership systems of contemporary Hawai'i and the organizations that help serve Hawaiians of today: Hawai'i state government, OHA and KSBE. Tri-Isle Resource Conservation and Development Council ine. - $24,970 on behalf of Wiliwili Hawaiian Plants in support of the restoration of the Native Hawaiian coastal dryland forest at Mo'omomi, while educating the people of Moloka'i on the importance of preserving our Hawaiian environment through
community involvement. University of Hawai'i Office of Research Services - $14,055 in support of identifying the best puhlie schools for Native Hawaiian students and the policies those schools implement to benefit Native Hawaiian students. Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame - $25,000 in support of Native Hawaiian music education and appreciation to increase exposure to, knowledge of, and appreciation for Native Hawaiian culture, music composition, language and music. Hawaiian Kamali'i ine. dba Hawaiian Canoe Club - $24,900 in support of a summer program that teaches Native Hawaiian values, beliefs, language and cultural practices in the setting of an outrigger eanoe club. Keiki also learn healthy choices, oeean safety and leadership skills. ■