Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 5, 1 Mei 2011 — HEALTHY KIDS DAY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
m m ore than 5,000 keiki and families Wk āĒ enjoyed a Saturday under the sun at the YMCA of Honolulu 2011 I Healthy Kids Day on April 16. The I Office of Hawaiian Affairs served as the title sponsor of the free event on the Great Lawn of Bishop Museum that offered an array of games and activities - like hula hoops and jump ropes - to get youngsters
i moving and their blood flowing. There were also Zumba, hula, and karate demonstrations and dance performances by the Kalihi Breakers and Dance Central, a Hata Foundation bake sale, shave iee and a Rainbow Market offering fresh fruits and vegetables, including, the refreshing-sounding "ieecold pineapple" to beat the heat. ^ - Photos: Lisa Asato
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