Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2011 — Papa Mū gallery features Native Hawaiian artists [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Papa Mū gallery features Native Hawaiian artists

On March 26 and 27 eight schools participated in a Kōnane Tournament and ceremony organized by the Papa Mū Gallery in the Prince Kūhiō Plaza, Hilo. This event was to celebrate the productivity, prosperity and fruitfulness of the Hawaiian season of Kū and was the start of a series of special events promoting Native Hawaiian artists, including a grand exhibit of several hundred works of art at the

Merrie Monarch building in April, a Hawaiian fashion show in partnership with Imiloa on June 11, and art classes with renown artist Moses Kealamakia in partnership with Nā Pua No'eau. Papa Mū Gallery first opened its doors Sept. 1, 2010, featuring exclusively the works of Native Hawaiian artists and supporting themthrough entrepreneurial development, job opportunities, product distribution and more. Visit the Gallery at 111 E. Puainako St. in Hilo, eall (808) 959-1101 or learn more at http://PapaMuGallery.com. ■

E kala mai

In our March issue, KWO incorrectly stated that there would be a dedication of an Alfred Apaka statue at Hilton Hawaiian Village. The statue has been there for many years and was not recently rededicated. KWO regrets the error.