Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 April 2011 — Free Hawaiian history program at Chaminade [ARTICLE]
Free Hawaiian history program at Chaminade
Chaminade University will present Huīiau: Hie Impact of Foreign Contact in Hawai'i, on Saturday, April 30. This event will feature discussions with Craig Flowes, the Director of the University of Llawai'i-Mānoa Center for Biographical Research, and Robert Buss, the Executive Director of the Llawai'i Council for the Flumanities, and two Llawaiian history presentations: "Cross-Cultural Contact and Change in Llawai 'i" by Frank Bailey, Ph.D.; and "Queen Emma's Letters" by Victoria Kneuhuhl, preformed by Wil Kahele and Kneuhuhl. Sponsored by the Llawai'i Coun-
eil for Flistory Education, Llawai'i Council for the Flumanities, Chaminade Flistory Center with support fromthe Flealing America Initiative of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Free and open to the puhlie, registration is at 8:30 a.m. with the event from 9 a.m. to noon at Chaminade University, 3140 Wai'alae Ave., Flenry Hall, Room 207. For information, eall Frank Bailey at (808) 739-8531 ext. 531 or email fbailey @ chaminade ,edu.