Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 April 2011 — ʻapelila [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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MAOLI ARTS MONTH (MAMO) EXHIBIT Fri.-Tliurs., April 8-28; reception 5-7 p.m. Fri. This Wailoa Art Center Gallery exhibit by the PA'I Foundation features 14 well-known contemporary artists with strong connections to Hawai'i Island showcasing kapa making, ipu dyeing, lauhala weaving, photography, pen and ink drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media. Gallery hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays, except

Wednesdays, noon-4:30 p.m. Closed weekends, state holidays and furlough Fridays. (808)

933-0416 or www. maoliartsmonth.org. The exhibit moves to the Piko Gallery in Waimea, May 3-31. (808) 8856240 or www.

pikogallery.com. The main MAMo showcase will be at Bishop Museum on April 20 honoring past MAMo awardees and the late Hiko Hanapi, MAMo co-founder. (808) 2374555 or www.maoliartsmonth.org.



19TH ANNUAL HAWAITS WOODSHOW Sat.-Sun., Apn 9-17; reception Fri., April 8, 6:30-9 p.m. This grand showcase of Hawai'i's finest wood crafters sponsored by the Hawai'i Forest Industry Association features heirloom-quality furniture, sculptures, musical instruments and wood-turned items made of koa, mango, kamani, milo, Norfolkpine, macadamia nut, kiawe and other Hawai'i-grown woods. Gallery hours are Tuesday thru Sunday, 1 1 a.m. to 6 p.m Academy Arts Center at Linekona, Honolulu Academy of

Arts. Free. (808) 221-5171 orhttp:// woodshow.hawaiiforest.org. HAWAI'I OCEAN EXPO 2011 Sat., Apnil 9, 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. and Sun. Apr. 10, 9a.m.-5p.m. Family fun abounds at the Hawai'i Oeean Expo with food demonstrations, poke contest, oeean awareness and education booths, sustainable companies, surf sample swimwear, sun care, oeean recreational equipment, oeean photography and art demonstrations, keiki fun zone, ocean-related activities and prize

giveaways. $7, $3 keiki 6-12, keiki under 5 are free. Blaisdell Center exhibition hall. Tickets, (808) 5912211. Information, (808) 561-441 1 or www.hawaiioceanexpo.com. YMCA HEALTHY KIDS DAY Sat., Apnil 16, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. On the Great Lawn of the Bishop Museum, this free, fun-filled day of activities, education, demonstrations and experiences teaches healthy behaviors and healthy ways to play. Kama'āina and military with ID will also gain free access to the museum's Dinosaurs Unearthed

exhibit during Healthy Kids Day. OHA is a proud sponsor of this event through a $10,000 'Ahahui Event grant. (808) 541-5467 or visit www.ymcahonolulu.org. MERRIE MONARCH FESTIVAL AND COMPETITION Festival, Sun.-Sat, April 24-30 Competition, Tliurs.-Sat., Apnil 28-30 See page 24 for event information and more on the hula festival. MAY DAY PUNA FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL

Sat, May 7,11 a.m.-5 p.m. Pattemed after the Smithsonian FolHife Festival, this diverse eelebration offers a ehanee to interact in living culture, with traditional practitioners creating their arts and crafts, entertainment, food and demonstrations representing Hawai'i, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, Philippines, Japan, Okinawa and Korea. This aleohol- and drug-free event is organized by Hālau Hula Te Ha'a Lehua under the direction of Kumu Kau'ilani Almeida of Hālau O Kekuhi. tehaalehua@gmail.com or (808) 333-0314.


Part of a kalo

series by Berniee A. Keolamauloaonalani Akamine. - Cour- ^ tesypboto by: Hal Lum

An ipu by Momi Greene and, at left, a painting by Kauanoe Chang. - Courtesy pbotos