Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 April 2011 — Supporting communities [ARTICLE]
Supporting communities
This year's CBED recipients are: Ali'i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Ciub - $50,000 to support the establishment of a tissue culture elean roomlaboratory at Ka Mahi'ai 'Ihi O Wailea on Hawai'i Island to increase maile production. WorkNet ine. - $50,000 to provide training and job opportunities to 60 participants in WorkNet C.A.F.E. (WorkNet Culinary Arts for Entrepreneurs), a hands-on course in the Food Service and Maintenance industries for jobs and/or continuing education at the high school and community college levels. At least 36 of the participants will be Hawaiians who are emerging from correctional facilities or the Federal Detention Center. Mana Maoli - $49,705 to support the CD component of the Puolo Mana Maoli Project. The CD production process will include 10 culture-based charter schools that have agreed to contribute one track eaeh to this CD component. This project will work with youth on improving their skills in creating, performing and recording music as well as the business and marketing aspects of the project. SCORE Hawai'i - $40,000 to provide training and technical assistance (eounseling, advising and mentoring as well as conducting workshops) to improve the success of Hawaiian entrepreneurs. Kula no na Po'e Hawai'i - $39,520 to support the homestead yard service/ maintenance training program that pre-
pares youth to operate a yard-service business serving Papakōlea, Kewalo and Kalāwahine Streamside. Aiternative Structures Inleinalional (dba 'Ohana Oia 'O Kahumana) - $25,000 to support the teaching of aquaponics to families with persons with disabilities and homeless families with children. The teaching aims to help them heeome self-sufficient and sustainable, as well as promote a healthier lifestyle and provide training and technical assistance for additional ineome and business opportunity. Women in Need - $25,000 to support the WIN Bridge to Success program, whieh provides transitional housing for women with children. The program will help Native Hawaiian participants to gain the skills and personal development tools needed to heeome self-sufficient and productive members of the community. Family Promise of Hawai'i - $25,000 to support its work to help at least 20 Native Hawaiian families with housing and employment services. Through the services of Family Promise of Hawai'i, more than 80 percent of participants transitioned from homelessness to housing, usually in three to four months. Corvette Center Ministries (dba Zion 'īpuka) - $24,616 to improve the lives of Native Hawaiians by providing nutritious food, transitional housing, drug rehabilitation, and educational and vocational programs.