Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2011 — Taking a bite out of Hawaiian history-- from the Big Apple [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Taking a bite out of Hawaiian history--from the Big Apple
By Lisa Asato Several New York high school seniors are taking their history project on President Grover Cleveland's work in support of Queen Lili'uokalani after the overthrow all the way to the finals of the state's history day competition. Mohamed Abu-Taha, Dawnte Dooling, Tressa Murray-Poston, James Shelvay and Mercy Walelo of International Preparatory at Grover in Buffalo won the senior group division of the Buffalo Puhlie Schools History Day competition for their web site, whieh asks the question, "Acquisition of Hawai'i, Annexation or Invasion?"
Three of them, Abu-Taha, Dooling and Walelo now head to the New York State History Day competition in Cooperstown on April 29. If successful, they will compete in the nationals in Maryland in May. This year's theme is Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Faiīures, Consequences. In an interview by Skype, AbuTaha and Walelo said the project increased their awareness of Hawaiian history and gave them a greater understanding of how Hawai'i heeame a state. Walelo said the conspirators didn't see Hawai'i "as a country of its own. It was looked at as land that could be used for farming and
agriculture and resources." After American and European interests - with the backing of the U.S . Minister, John L. Stevens, who called upon U.S. forces to land in Honolulu - illegally overthrew the Kingdom of Hawai'i in 1893, Cleveland sought to right it. He spoke against annexation and sought to restore Queen Lili'uokalani to her throne. In a message to Congress on Dec. 18, 1893, he called the eonspirators' actions an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress." He also said "a substantial wrong has thus been done whieh a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair." However, the Provisional Govemment later declared itself the Republic of Hawai'i, the Queen, while imprisoned in 'Iolani Palaee, was forced to officially abdicate her throne, and when the new President, WilliamMcKinley, eame into office, he signed the Newlands Joint Resolution, through whieh Hawai'i was annexed. Abu-Taha, whose parents are from Palestine, said his background, as well as Walelo's, who is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has allowed them to better relate to this tumultuous time in Hawaiian history. "Because of where our families are from and the problems that happens in those countries, that makes it easier for us to understand the situation that happened in Hawai'i," he said. The students originally learned about Cleveland's ties to Hawai'i through several visits to the school by Kaleo Patterson and Haaheo Guanson of the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center in Honolulu. From there, the students did their own research and sought advice from Cleveland's grandson George Cleveland along the way. "I think we want to make the Cleveland family proud of this," said Rich Pyszczek, a social studies teacher who served as the group's faculty adviser. "It's great if we win awards but more important, if the people that are involved in this take satisfaction and are proud of what we did, that's all we're looking for," said
Pyszczek, pronounced "pie-eheek." President Cleveland was bom in New Jersey and grew up in New York, where he served as Mayor of Buffalo and Governor before serving two separate terms as President.
Walelo ranks him as her favorite president, along with Washington, Lineoln and Franklin Roosevelt. Three years ago, Walelo's brother Francis' group also went to the state SEE HIST0RY ON PAGE 25
Ho'olaupa'i spotlights Cleveland Read how a Hawaiianlanguage newspaper of the time described Cleveland's response to the Queen's overthrowon page 20.
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After winning two regional competitions in the New York State History Day contest, the students now head to the state finals April 29 to 30 in Cooperstown. Here, they discuss their project at the Buffalo Puhlie Schools district level. Students are, second from left, Mohammed Abu-Taha, Dawnte Dooling, and James Shelvay, second from right, and Mercy Walelo.
Hau'oli Akaka, 0HA's Chief Knowledge 0fficer, places a ho'okupu atop the boulder honoring President Cleveland at Mililani Mall in downtown Honolulu. The presentation was part of a March 1 8 event organized by OHA and community groups to pay tribute to Cleveland, who as America's 24th President lent his support and friendship to Hawai'i's Oueen Lili'uokalani, who had been deposed by Amehean interests. Looking on, at right, is Cleveland's greatgrandniece from New Jersey, Katherine Cleveland. In remarks, OHA Chairperson Colette Machado said that in an address to Congress, Cleveland called the overthrow improper and an "act of war" and acknowledged that the lawless oeeupahon of Honolulu by U.S. forces under false pretexts caused the Oueen to yield her throne. "In honoring President Cleveland, we are reminded to stand up, kū'ē for justice," Machado said. "Kū'ē ."- Photo: KaiMarkell
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competition for their DVD examining Cleveland's work with the Hawaiian people. Walelo compared Queen Lili'uokalani to a "19th-century Nelson Mandela." "She stood for her people," Walelo said, referring to the Queen's decision to abdicate in order to avoid bloodshed; the Queen also expressed faith that the American people would eall upon the U.S. government to realize the wrongdoing and reverse it. "She was not going to fight. She was not going to have a war, but she still was going to stand for her people and she was going to make sure that everything that she could do that was in the best interest of her people was done." Asked if the history project changed her worldview, Walelo said: "Yes. Things are not as clear-cut as they seemto be. I always thought that Hawai'i heeame a state just like any
other state and willingly so, but that actually wasn't the case. So to me, it showed the U.S. govemment in a new light. Yes, we live in a great country but also we have some skeletons in our closet. We have done some things that we're not so proud of." Visit the group's web site, whieh
contains Cleveland's full address to Congress and other resources, including photos, April 30 Hawaiian Restoration Day proclamations and the 1993 Apology Resolution in whieh the United States apologized for its role in the illegal overthrow, at http://bit.ly/fROgzX. ■
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Sfudenfs from Farringfon High School's Hawaiian Academy sing oli at fhe March 1 8 evenf in Honolulu. Lafer, Dylan Okamum of Niu Valley Elemenfary School, Mahealani Brown of Leihoku Elemenfary School in Wai'anae and lokepa Alecanfra of Pearl City High School recifed excerpts from Cleveland's speeches. The event attracted about 80 attendees, some of whom said they learned aboutthe Cleveland memonal in Honolulu through the event. 0HA's Martha Ross, Kahu Kaleo Patterson, Jalna Keala of 'Ahahui Siwila 0 Hawai'i 0 Kapolei Hawaiian Civic Club and Bonnie Mae Kakalia participated in the ceremony, attended by state Rep. Karen Awana, representatives from OHA, Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Kingdom of Hawai'i group, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, Royal Order of Kamehameha I and 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu. - Photo: KaiMarkell